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Evidence that use of an inactivated equine herpesvirus vaccine induces serum cytotoxicity affecting the equine arteritis virus neutralisation test


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Several laboratories worldwide have recently experienced problems related to serum cytotoxicity with the equine arteritis virus (EAV) neutralisation test (VN) when using Office International des Epizooties (OIE) reference laboratory prescribed rabbit kidney (RK-13) indicator cells. Cytotoxicity can be mistaken for viral cytopathic effect and has led to increasing difficulties in test interpretation, consequently causing disruption to both equine breeding and disease surveillance. Results from experimental and field-derived data suggest that this serum cytotoxicity is associated with use of a tissue-culture-derived equine herpesvirus vaccine, probably manifested through a vaccine-induced anti-cellular antibody response directed against RK-13 cells. Two alternative EAV VN methods were shown to significantly reduce the effects of cytotoxicity (from 73 to <5% prevalence) among vaccinated horses but did not completely eliminate the problem. Use of ELISA-based tests, which are not affected by serum cytotoxicity but which are not currently recognised as international standards, should be evaluated as a useful backup in screening equine sera for EAV VN antibodies.
机译:使用Office International des Epizooties(OIE)参考实验室指定的兔肾(RK-13​​)指示剂细胞时,全世界的一些实验室最近都遇到了与马动脉炎病毒(EAV)中和测试(VN)相关的血清细胞毒性问题。细胞毒性可能被误认为是病毒的细胞病变作用,并导致测试解释的难度不断增加,因此导致马种繁殖和疾病监测受到干扰。来自实验和现场数据的结果表明,这种血清细胞毒性与组织培养来源的马疱疹病毒疫苗的使用有关,这很可能是由疫苗诱导的针对RK-13​​细胞的抗细胞抗体反应所证实的。结果表明,两种替代的EAV VN方法可显着降低接种马匹的细胞毒性作用(从73患病率降低到<5%),但并未完全消除这一问题。不受血清细胞毒性影响但目前尚未被国际公认的基于ELISA的检测方法的使用,应被评估为筛选马血清中EAV VN抗体的有用方法。



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