首页> 外文期刊>Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie: International Journal of Research in Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics >Kinetic and Mechanistic Aspects of Osmium(VIII) Catalyzed Oxidation of DL-ornithine by Copper(III) Periodate Complex in Aqueous Alkaline Medium

Kinetic and Mechanistic Aspects of Osmium(VIII) Catalyzed Oxidation of DL-ornithine by Copper(III) Periodate Complex in Aqueous Alkaline Medium


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The oxidation of DL-ornithine monohydrochloride (OMH) by diperiodatocuprate(III) (DPC) has been investigated in the presence of osmium(VIII) catalyst in aqueous alkaline medium at a constant ionic strength of 0.20 mol dm~(-3) spectrophotometrically. The reaction exhibits 1:4 stoichiometry i.e., [OMH]: [DPC]. The order of the reaction with respect to [DPC] was unity while the order with respect to [OMH] was less than unity over the concentration range studied. The rate increased with an increase in [OH ] and decreased with an increase in [IO4~-]. The order with respect to [Os(VIII)] was unity. The reaction rates revealed that Os(VIII) catalyzed reaction was about nine-fold faster than the uncataiyzed reaction. The oxidation products were identified by spectral analysis. Suitable mechanism has been proposed. The reaction constants involved in the different steps of the reaction mechanism were calculated. The catalytic constant (Kc) was also calculated at different temperatures. The activation parameters with respect to slow step of the mechanism and also the thermodynamic quantities were determined. Kinetic experiments suggest that [OsO4(OH)2]~(2-) is the reactive Os(VIII) species and [Cu(H2IO6)(H2O)2] is the reactive copper(III) species.
机译:研究了在eri(VIII)催化剂存在下,在碱性水溶液中,在恒定离子强度为0.20 mol dm〜(-3)的条件下,用分光光度法测定了十二碳二铜(III)(DPC)对DL-鸟氨酸一盐酸盐(OMH)的氧化。反应表现出1:4的化学计量,即[OMH]:[DPC]。在所研究的浓度范围内,相对于[DPC]的反应顺序是统一的,而相对于[OMH]的反应顺序是小于统一的。随着[OH]的增加速率增加,而随着[IO 4--]的增加速率降低。关于[Os(VIII)]的顺序是统一的。反应速率表明,Os(VIII)催化的反应比未催化的反应快约九倍。通过光谱分析鉴定氧化产物。已经提出了合适的机制。计算了反应机理不同步骤中涉及的反应常数。还计算了在不同温度下的催化常数(Kc)。确定了关于机构慢步的激活参数以及热力学量。动力学实验表明,[OsO4(OH)2]〜(2-)是反应性Os(VIII)种类,[Cu(H2IO6)(H2O)2]是反应性铜(III)种类。



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