首页> 外文期刊>Zoology and Ecology >Variation in the diet of Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus (Aves, Rallidae) at Lake Reghai'a, Algeria

Variation in the diet of Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus (Aves, Rallidae) at Lake Reghai'a, Algeria


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The diet of the Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus was studied at Lake Reghai'a (Algeria). A total of 600 faecal samples were collected from February 2010 to January 2012. The results showed that green plant materials (especially Poaceae) were the dominant faecal components (86.7 ± 23.8%), followed by invertebrates (13.2 ± 23.8%) and grit (0.03 ±0.05%). Seventeen plant species belonging to eight different families were identified in 2010/2012. The major item identified in faecal contents was Poaceae. Paspalum distichum was the most important diet category. Others grasses mostly eaten were Poa annua, Avena sp., Phragmites sp. and Panicum repens. Other plant species recorded in faeces were Carex hispida, Polygonum lapathifolium, Thypha angustifolia, Plantago major, Mentha pulegium, Plantago crassi-folia, Panicum repens and Carex hispida. The Common Moorhen diet contained invertebrates, and ephippium of Daph-nia sp. were the most dominant. Insects were recorded, but with a negligible proportion.
机译:在Reghai'a湖(阿尔及利亚)研究了普通的Moorhen Gallinula chloropus的饮食。从2010年2月至2012年1月共收集了600份粪便样品。结果显示,绿色植物材料(尤其是禾本科)是主要的粪便成分(86.7±23.8%),其次是无脊椎动物(13.2±23.8%)和粗砂( 0.03±0.05%)。在2010/2012年,鉴定了属于八个不同科的17种植物。粪便中发现的主要物品是禾本科。 Paspalum distichum是最重要的饮食类别。其他吃得最多的草是波阿那(Poa annua),阿韦纳(Avena)种,芦苇(Phragmites)种。和恐慌。粪便中记录的其他植物种类有:草根苔藓,何首乌,胸腺,车前草,薄荷,车前草,百日草和草根。普通的Moorhen饮食中含有无脊椎动物和水蚤(Daph-nia sp。)。是最主要的记录了昆虫,但比例可忽略不计。



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