首页> 外文期刊>Zoological Studies >Diversity, Distribution, and Molecular Systematics of Octocorals (Coelenterata: Anthozoa) of the Penghu Archipelago, Taiwan

Diversity, Distribution, and Molecular Systematics of Octocorals (Coelenterata: Anthozoa) of the Penghu Archipelago, Taiwan


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The 1st ever surveys of octocorals in the Penghu Archipelago, Taiwan were conducted in 2006 and 2009. Scuba collections were carried out at 17 sites in northern, eastern, south-central, and southern parts of the archipelago. The collection, comprising about 250 specimens, yielded 34 species of the family Alcyoniidae belonging to Aldersladum, Cladiella, Klyxum, Lobophytum, Sarcophyton, and Sinularia. These include 6 new species that were recently described and another 15 records new to Taiwanese reefs. The northern collection sites featured a lower number of species compared to most of the central/southern or southern ones. To facilitate identification of octocoral species in future surveys, DNA sequences were obtained for the mitochondrial barcoding markers, COI and mtMutS, and for Cladiella and Klyxum only, nuclear 28S rDNA. These molecular markers reliably identified specimens to genus and clade, but could not discriminate among species within some clades. Phylogenetic reconstructions based on the barcode markers revealed paraphyly among Cladiella, Klyxum, and Aldersladum, thus emphasizing the need for taxonomic revisions of these genera. These results highlight the importance of octocoral surveys to elucidate patterns of biodiversity and zoogeography in the East and South China Seas, including their marginal reef systems.
机译:2006年和2009年,台湾澎湖群岛首次进行了八爪鱼调查。在该群岛北部,东部,中南部和南部的17个地点进行了水肺采集。该集合包括约250个标本,产生了Alcyladidae科的Alcyladidae科的34种,分别属于Aldersladum,Cladiella,Klyxum,Lobophytum,Sarcophyton和Sinularia。其中包括最近描述的6种新物种和台湾珊瑚礁的15种新记录。与大多数中部/南部或南部地区相比,北部地区的物种数量较少。为了便于在将来的调查中鉴定八叶物种,获得了线粒体条形码标记COI和mtMutS的DNA序列,以及仅对于Cladiella和Klyxum的核28S rDNA的DNA序列。这些分子标记物可靠地鉴定了属和进化枝的标本,但不能区分某些进化枝中的物种。基于条形码标记的系统发育重建揭示了Cladiella,Klyxum和Aldersladum属副生,因此强调了对这些属进行分类学修订的必要性。这些结果凸显了八海调查的重要性,以阐明东海和南海(包括其边缘珊瑚礁系统)的生物多样性和动物地理格局。



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