首页> 外文期刊>Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society >Tail blow energy and carapace fractures in a large glyptodont (Mammalia,Xenarthra)

Tail blow energy and carapace fractures in a large glyptodont (Mammalia,Xenarthra)


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Glyptodonts had muscular tails terminating, in many cases, with a rigid bony sheath which, in Doedicurus and Panochthus, was a formidable club. Some carapaces show fractures which have been interpreted as resulting from intraspecific fights. We estimate the energy that the tail muscles could have supplied for a blow and the energy required to fracture the carapace, and obtain results of the same order of magnitude. Thus it is not unreasonable to interpret the observed damage as resulting from fights. A space between the thoracic and lumbar vertebral column and the carapace may have been occupied by a fatty pad which would have served as a protective cushion, reducing the force of impacts. (C) 1999 The Linnean Society of London.
机译:雕齿龙的尾巴肌肉发达,在许多情况下,尾巴上有坚硬的骨鞘,在多迪丘鲁斯和帕诺奇索斯,这是一个可怕的俱乐部。一些甲壳显示出骨折,这被解释为是由于种内斗争造成的。我们估计了尾巴肌肉可以提供的能量以及使甲壳破裂所需的能量,并获得了相同数量级的结果。因此,将观察到的由战斗造成的损害解释为合理的。胸,腰椎柱和甲壳之间的空间可能已被一块脂肪垫占据,该脂肪垫可以用作保护垫,从而降低了撞击力。 (C)1999年伦敦林奈学会。



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