首页> 外文期刊>Zootaxa >New species of Creagrutus Giinther (Characiformes: Characidae) from rio Tapajos basin, Brazil, with comments on its phylogenetic position

New species of Creagrutus Giinther (Characiformes: Characidae) from rio Tapajos basin, Brazil, with comments on its phylogenetic position


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Creagrutus nigrotaeniatus n. sp. is described from the rio Juruena basin, upper rio Tapajos system, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Creagrutus nigrotaeniatus differs from its congeners by having the dentigerous surface of the premaxilla longitudinally elongate from ventral view, 4-5 post-anal scales and 2-4 maxillary teeth. The new species also has the anterior margin of hyomandibula straight or slightly concave which is a unique condition within the genus, and possesses a series of non-exclusive osteological modifications (e.g. medial opening of the dentary foramen located distinctly anteroventral to the tip of Meckel's cartilage; anterior portion of the laterosensory canal segment in first infraorbital terminating distinctly posterior to the anterior margin of this bone; presence of the third posttemporal fossa within the epioccipital; one epural present). A comparison with Caiapobrycon tucurui is provided and the placement of the new species within Creagrutus and its close relationship with C. cracentis, C. gephyrus, and C. maxillaris are discussed.
机译:黑(Cragrutus nigrotaeniatus)。 sp。由巴西马托格罗索州上里约塔帕霍斯系统的里约朱雷纳盆地描述。 Creagrutus nigrotaeniatus与它的同类动物的不同之处在于,从腹侧观察,上颌前牙的齿状表面纵向拉长,肛门后有4-5个鳞片,上颌牙有2-4个。新物种还具有玻璃假单胞菌的前缘笔直或略微凹入的情况,这是该属中的独特情况,并且具有一系列非排他性的骨学改变(例如,齿孔的内侧开口明显地位于梅克尔软骨尖端的前腹内侧) ;第一个眶下末端的后感觉管节段的前部明显地在该骨的前边缘后;在枕骨内存在第三个颞后窝;一个存在于胸膜后。提供了与Ciaapobrycon tucurui的比较,并讨论了新物种在Creagrutus中的位置以及与C. cracentis,C。gephyrus和C. maxillaris的密切关系。



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