首页> 外文期刊>Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie >Geomorphic evolution of Medziphema intermontane basin and Quaternary deformation in the schuppen belt, Nagaland, NE India

Geomorphic evolution of Medziphema intermontane basin and Quaternary deformation in the schuppen belt, Nagaland, NE India

机译:印度东北那加兰邦Medziphema intermontane盆地的地貌演化和Schuppen带的第四纪变形

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The Medziphema intermontane basin developed in the schuppen belt of Nagaland, Northeast India, has been studied to understand its tectonic and geomorphic evolution on the basis of field evidence and morphometric parameters. Major part of the basin is covered with aggradational landforms such as fan and terrace deposits. The development of this linear basin within the schuppen belt is the result of initiation of displacement of Paleogene rocks over the Neogene rocks along the Sanis-Chongliyimsen Thrust during Late Miocene and later displacement of Neogene over the Sub-Recent to Recent sediments along the Naga Thrust after the deposition of the Dihing sediments during the Lower Pleistocene. The schuppen belt is a distinct tectono-geomorphic unit, 20-25 km in width and similar to 400 km in length that is truncated at the northeast by the Mishmi Thrust and in the southwest by the Dauki Fault. The Medziphema intermontane basin, 16.5 km in length and 11 km in width, is one of the most accessible valleys of the Naga-Patkai-Mizo Hills. Late stage tectonic activities are imprinted in the Quaternary fluvial deposits in the form of truncation of terraces and tilting of fan and terrace deposits. Most of the rivers and streams draining into the Neogene hills are structurally controlled. Lateral displacement of rivers has been attributed to active strike-slip faults resulting in the formation of shutter ridges. Thrusting of the Surma sediments over the Quaternary Brahmaputra alluvium has resulted in narrowing of river channels at their exits from mountains. Strath terraces, suggesting tectonic uplift in the region, are observed along river sections within the intermontane basin.
机译:在野外证据和形态计量学参数的基础上,已经研究了在印度东北那加兰邦的舒本彭地带开发的地中海沿岸地中海盆地,以了解其构造和地貌演化。流域的大部分地区都被沉积成扇形和梯田沉积等地貌。在Schuppen带内这个线性盆地的发展是中新世晚期新近纪沿Sanis-Chongliyimsen逆冲的新近纪岩石上的位移和晚近新近纪沿纳加逆冲的最近沉积物位移的结果。下更新世时期的迪兴沉积物沉积之后。舒本彭地带是一个独特的构造-地貌单元,其宽度为20-25 km,长约400 km,在东北由Mishmi Thrust截断,在西南由Dauki Fault截断。 Medziphema intermontane盆地长16.5公里,宽11公里,是纳加-帕特凯-米佐山最容易接近的山谷之一。晚期构造活动以台地截断以及扇形和台地沉积物倾斜的形式印在第四纪河流相沉积中。排入新近山丘陵的大部分河流和溪流在结构上受到控制。河流的横向位移被归因于活跃的走滑断层,导致了百叶窗山脊的形成。雅鲁藏布季风冲积带上的苏尔马沉积物的推力导致山脉出口处的河道变窄。沿山间盆地内的河段观察到表明该地区构造隆升的Strath阶地。



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