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Geology and Hydrogeology of the Cover Sediments above the Gorleben Salt Dome


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The Gorleben salt dome is being investigated for its suitability as a repository for radioactive wastes. The cover deposits above the Gorleben salt dome were investigated within the framework of a comprehensive geological and hydrogeological site programme from 1979 to 1999. The Gorleben salt intrusion attained the diapir stage during the Gretaceous. An almost complete sequence of principally clayey-silty marine sediments from the Upper Paleocene onwards is preserved. The strata are thinner over the diapir and thicker in the surrounding subsidence areas. In the early Tertiary the facies became brackish to continental, with the profile containing quartz and mica sands, dark clayey silts and occasional lignite seams. The strata sequence ends in the Lower Miocene. Neogene strata are not present above the diapir New sedimentation conditions began in the Quaternary. Apart from Menapian to Cromerian deposits above the western part of the diapir, the strata deposited since the Elsterian glacial stage are dominated by sand, till and glacial lake sediments. The maximum thickness of Quaternary deposits is >300 m in the Gorleben Channel (Gorlebener Rinne), which was formed during the Elsterian. In the deepest part of the channel, the late Tertiary sediments have been eroded completely. After the channel was filled during the Holsteinian Interglacial it was covered on three occasions by inland ice sheets, but with less erosion and sedimentation than during the Elsterian. Hydrogeologically the Quaternary and Tertiary sediments can be divided into a lower aquifer of Tertiary sands and Quaternary gravel deposits and an upper aquifer of Saalian and Weichselian sediments separated by aquitards. The area of the Gorleben channel is of particular interest for the long-term safety of the planned repository. In the central part of the channel, the lower aquifer directly overlies the cap rock or is in contact with the salt itself Brines are found in these areas. On the basis of the present distribution of salt concentration in this particular area, two flow paths of saline water have been identified: a) Lateral transport of brines into the rim syncline to the northwest of the salt dome. This salt water collects at the base of the aquifer system due to its higher density. b) Vertical flow of saline water into the upper aquifer as far as the surface due to locally elevated vertical permeabilities of the aquitard overlying the lower channel aquifer.
机译:正在研究戈勒本盐丘是否适合作为放射性废物的储存库。 1979年至1999年,在全面的地质和水文地质站点计划的框架内,对戈尔本盐丘上方的盖层沉积物进行了研究。戈尔本盐侵入达到了白垩纪的底辟期。保留了从上新世以来几乎完整的主要是黏土质粉质海洋沉积物序列。地层上的地层较薄,周围沉降区域的地层较厚。在第三纪早期,相变成微咸至大陆,剖面包含石英和云母砂,深色黏土粉砂和偶尔的褐煤接缝。地层序列在下中新世结束。底辟以上没有新近系地层。第四纪开始出现新的沉积条件。除了底辟河西部上方的Menapian至Cromerian矿床外,自Elsterian冰川期以来沉积的地层以砂,直到和冰川湖沉积物为主。在Elsterian时期形成的Gorleben河道(Gorlebener Rinne)中,第四纪沉积物的最大厚度> 300 m。在河道最深处,第三纪晚期沉积物已被完全侵蚀。在荷尔斯泰因河间冰期填满河道后,内陆冰盖曾三度被河道覆盖,但侵蚀和沉积的情况比Elsterian时期要少。在水文地质学上,第四纪和第三纪沉积物可分为第三纪砂岩和第四纪碎石沉积物的下含水层,以及由阿卡德(Aquitard)隔开的萨利期和魏氏沉积物的上含水层。 Gorleben通道的区域对于计划中的存储库的长期安全性特别重要。在河道的中部,下含水层直接覆盖在盖层上,或者与盐本身接触。在这些区域发现了盐卤。根据盐在该特定区域中的分布情况,已确定了两条盐水流动路径:a)盐水横向输送到盐丘西北缘的轮缘向斜线上。由于其较高的密度,该盐水收集在含水层系统的底部。 b)由于覆盖下部通道含水层的阿奎德局部升高的垂直渗透率,盐水垂直流入上部含水层直至表面。



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