首页> 外文期刊>Hydrogeology journal >The use of salinity contrast for density difference compensation to improve the thermal recovery efficiency in high-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage systems

The use of salinity contrast for density difference compensation to improve the thermal recovery efficiency in high-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage systems


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The efficiency of heat recovery in high-temperature (> 60 A degrees C) aquifer thermal energy storage (HT-ATES) systems is limited due to the buoyancy of the injected hot water. This study investigates the potential to improve the efficiency through compensation of the density difference by increased salinity of the injected hot water for a single injection-recovery well scheme. The proposed method was tested through numerical modeling with SEAWATv4, considering seasonal HT-ATES with four consecutive injection-storage-recovery cycles. Recovery efficiencies for the consecutive cycles were investigated for six cases with three simulated scenarios: (a) regular HT-ATES, (b) HT-ATES with density difference compensation using saline water, and (c) theoretical regular HT-ATES without free thermal convection. For the reference case, in which 80 A degrees C water was injected into a high-permeability aquifer, regular HT-ATES had an efficiency of 0.40 after four consecutive recovery cycles. The density difference compensation method resulted in an efficiency of 0.69, approximating the theoretical case (0.76). Sensitivity analysis showed that the net efficiency increase by using the density difference compensation method instead of regular HT-ATES is greater for higher aquifer hydraulic conductivity, larger temperature difference between injection water and ambient groundwater, smaller injection volume, and larger aquifer thickness. This means that density difference compensation allows the application of HT-ATES in thicker, more permeable aquifers and with larger temperatures than would be considered for regular HT-ATES systems.
机译:由于注入热水的浮力,在高温(> 60 A摄氏度)含水层热能存储(HT-ATES)系统中的热回收效率受到限制。这项研究研究了通过增加注入盐度来补偿密度差以提高效率的潜力,这对于单个注入采油井方案而言。考虑到季节性的HT-ATES具有四个连续的注入-存储-恢复周期,通过SEAWATv4数值模拟对提出的方法进行了测试。在三个模拟场景下研究了六种情况下连续循环的回收效率:(a)常规HT-ATES,(b)含盐水差密度补偿的HT-ATES,以及(c)不带自由热的理论常规HT-ATES对流。对于将80 A摄氏度的水注入高渗透性含水层的参考案例,常规HT-ATES在连续四个回收周期后的效率为0.40。密度差补偿方法的效率为0.69,接近理论值(0.76)。敏感性分析表明,对于较高的含水层水力传导率,较大的注入水与周围地下水之间的温差,较小的注入量和较大的含水层厚度,使用密度差补偿方法代替常规的HT-ATES可以提高净效率。这意味着与常规HT-ATES系统相比,密度差补偿可将HT-ATES应用在更厚,更易渗透的含水层中,并具有更高的温度。



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