首页> 外文期刊>Hydrogeology journal >An empirical probabilistic approach for constraining the uncertaintyof long-term solute transport predictions in fractured rockusing in situ tracer experiments

An empirical probabilistic approach for constraining the uncertaintyof long-term solute transport predictions in fractured rockusing in situ tracer experiments


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Although radionuclide tracer tests have beencarried out for over 30 years, the role of tracer tests inradioactive waste repository performance assessment (PA)has been questioned due to the differences between thetime scales for tracer tests and PA. The possibility of usingin situ tracer tests to constrain PA time scale (over 10,000years) solute transport has been demonstrated using asystematic "microstructural model" approach to defineadvective and retentive materials. A series of simulationswere conducted of the "TRUE-1" sorbing solute transportexperiments in a well-characterized block of fracturedgranite. These experiments were then used to constrain theuncertainty of long-term transport on the same pathways,using a gradient several orders of magnitude smaller. Thecomparison of uncertainty of this long-term transport, withand without this conditioning step, provided a measure ofthe ability of tracer tests to reduce PA time-scaleuncertainty. Although this approach for quantifyinguncertainty reduction is somewhat empirical, it doesindicate the potential usefulness of tracer experiments inreducing the uncertainty of the key PA time-scaletransport parameters such as the flow wetted surface,provided that immobile zone properties such as sorption(Kd), porosity and diffusivity are available.
机译:尽管放射性核素示踪剂测试已经进行了30多年,但由于示踪剂测试和PA的时标不同,人们对示踪剂测试在放射性废物处置库性能评估(PA)中的作用提出了质疑。已经使用系统的“微观结构模型”方法来定义对流和保持性材料,证明了使用原位示踪剂测试来限制PA时间范围(超过10,000年)的溶质运移的可能性。在一个特征鲜明的花岗岩碎块中进行了“ TRUE-1”吸附溶质运移实验的一系列模拟。然后将这些实验用于限制同一路径上长期运输的不确定性,使用的梯度要小几个数量级。有无此调节步骤的情况下,这种长期运输的不确定性比较提供了一种示踪剂测试减少PA时间尺度不确定性的能力的度量。尽管这种量化不确定性降低的方法是凭经验得出的,但它确实表明了示踪剂实验的潜在用处,它可以减少关键的PA时间尺度传输参数(如流动的湿润表面)的不确定性,并提供固定的区域特性,如吸附(Kd),孔隙率和扩散性可用。



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