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Latin America's refinery product demand is decelerating


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The trajectory of refined product balances in Latin America and the Caribbean is changing. With demand growth slowing and throughput expected to rise by 2020, the region's combined deficits for primary petroleum products, led by gasoline and diesel, will not continue to expand in the same manner as in the past decade. This matters not only for economies in the region that are dependent on refined product imports, but also for market fundamentals and prices in the Americas, the Atlantic Basin and beyond. ESAI Energy's recent study, "Tipping the Scale," investigates the country-level and region-wide forecast of regional product balances through 2020.' Super-cycle growth. During the past decade through 2013, demand for refined products in Latin America and the Caribbean grew precipitously. The so-called super-cycle in global commodities markets and an expansion of the middle class and consumer credit led regional oil demand to rise by 2.6%/ yr or 2.1 MMbpd, despite a global recession. At the same time, throughput fell by 300 Mbpd. A number of refineries in the Caribbean closed, while utilization rates dropped in some of the region's oldest refining sectors.
机译:拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区成品油余额的轨迹正在发生变化。随着需求增长的放缓以及到2020年吞吐量的增长,该地区以汽油和柴油为首的初级石油产品的综合赤字将不会像过去十年那样继续扩大。这不仅对本地区依赖成品油进口的经济体至关重要,而且对美洲,大西洋盆地及其他地区的市场基本面和价格也很重要。 ESAI能源公司最近的一项研究“扩大规模”调查了到2020年国家和地区范围内区域产品平衡的预测。超级周期增长。在截至2013年的过去十年中,拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区对精炼产品的需求急剧增长。尽管全球经济衰退,但所谓的全球大宗商品市场超级周期以及中产阶级和消费者信贷的扩张导致该地区的石油需求每年增长2.6%或2.1 MMbpd。同时,吞吐量下降了300 Mbpd。加勒比地区的一些炼油厂关闭,而该地区一些最古老的炼油厂的利用率下降。



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