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Process optimization to grow 9%


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The real-time process optimization and training (RPO) market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 9% a year over the next five years, according to a new study from ARC Advisory Group. The market was slightly more than $1 billion in 2008, but dropped during the global recession to slightly over $950 million in 2010, the study says. The market is expected to reach more than $1.5 billion in 2015. The RPO market has rebounded from the lows of 2009, and is expected to return to pre-2008 growth as the global process industries' need for safer, more efficient operations continues."The global economy has still not returned to its pre-2008 optimism," said Dick Hill, a co-author of the study. "The economic slowdown adversely affected growth but the market will rebound as many of the issues facing manufacturers, like reducing costs, still require solutions such as those offered by RPO suppliers."
机译:根据ARC Advisory Group的一项新研究,实时流程优化和培训(RPO)市场预计在未来五年内将以每年超过9%的复合年增长率(CAGR)增长。该研究称,2008年市场规模略超过10亿美元,但在全球经济衰退期间跌至2010年的略高于9.5亿美元。预计到2015年,该市场将超过15亿美元。RPO市场已从2009年的低点反弹,并且随着全球过程工业对更安全,更高效的操作的需求持续,有望恢复到2008年前的增长。”该研究的合著者迪克·希尔说,全球经济仍未恢复到其2008年前的乐观情绪。 “经济放缓不利地影响了经济增长,但市场将反弹,因为制造商面临的许多问题(例如降低成本)仍需要诸如RPO供应商提供的解决方案。”



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