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The response of perennial and temporary headwater stream invertebrate communities to hydrological extremes.


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The headwaters of karst rivers experience considerable hydrological variability, including spates and streambed drying. Extreme summer flooding on the River Lathkill (Derbyshire, UK) provided the opportunity to examine the invertebrate community response to unseasonal spate flows, flow recession and, at temporary sites, streambed drying. Invertebrates were sampled at sites with differing flow permanence regimes during and after the spates. Following streambed drying at temporary sites, dewatered surface sediments were investigated as a refugium for aquatic invertebrates. Experimental rehydration of these dewatered sediments was conducted to promote development of desiccation-tolerant life stages. At perennial sites, spate flows reduced invertebrate abundance and diversity, whilst at temporary sites, flow reactivation facilitated rapid colonisation of the surface channel by a limited number of invertebrate taxa. Following streambed drying, 38 taxa were recorded from the dewatered and rehydrated sediments, with Oligochaeta being the most abundant taxon and Chironomidae (Diptera) the most diverse. Experimental rehydration of dewatered sediments revealed the presence of additional taxa, including Stenophylax sp. (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) and Nemoura sp. (Plecoptera: Nemouridae). The influence of flow permanence on invertebrate community composition was apparent despite the aseasonal high-magnitude flood events. Flow permanence was also critical in determining the community response to the spate flows. Following streambed drying at temporary sites, the surficial sediments overlying the karstic bedrock functioned as an effective refugium for several taxa. The development of aquatic insects following experimental rehydration indicated that these taxa survived in dewatered sediments as desiccation-resistant eggs.
机译:喀斯特河源头的水文变化很大,包括河口和河床干燥。夏季极端的Lathkill河(英国德比郡,英国)发生洪水,为研究无脊椎动物社区对非季节性的潮汐流,水流衰退以及在临时地点流干的反应提供了机会。在交接期间和交接后,在具有不同流动持久性的地点对无脊椎动物取样。在临时场所进行流床干燥之后,对脱水的表面沉积物进行了研究,以作为水生无脊椎动物的避难所。对这些脱水的沉积物进行了实验性的水化处理,以促进耐干燥生命周期的发展。在多年生地点,潮汐流减少了无脊椎动物的种群数量和多样性,而在临时地点,水流的重新激活通过有限数量的无脊椎动物类群促进了表面通道的快速定殖。流干后,从脱水和再水化的沉积物中记录了38个分类单元,其中Oligochaeta是最丰富的分类单元,Chironomidae(Diptera)最为多样化。对脱水的沉积物进行的实验性补液表明存在其他类群,其中包括 Stenophylax sp。 (Trichoptera:Limnephilidae)和 Nemoura sp。 (鞘翅目:线虫科)。尽管发生了季节性高强度洪水事件,但水流永久性对无脊椎动物群落组成的影响仍然很明显。流量永久性对于确定社区对接续流量的响应也至关重要。在临时地点进行流式干燥之后,覆盖在岩溶基岩上的表层沉积物可作为几种分类单元的有效避难所。实验性补液后水生昆虫的发育表明,这些类群作为抗干燥卵在脱水的沉积物中得以幸存。



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