首页> 外文期刊>Hydrobiologia >Recent ostracods (Crustacea, Ostracoda) found in lowland springs ofthe provinces of Piacenza and Parma (Northern Italy)

Recent ostracods (Crustacea, Ostracoda) found in lowland springs ofthe provinces of Piacenza and Parma (Northern Italy)


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The 'fontanili' are artificial aquatic ecosystems, typical of the lowland plains of Northern Italy, exploiting natural resurgences of deep groundwater. These habitats are characterized by low variation in hydrologic, hydrochemical and thermal conditions throughout the year. Proper management is required to prevent the spring clogging by biomass accumulation. In spite of their importance as refugia for endangered species, many springs were completely abandoned in the last years and several of them will disappear. We report the results of a study carried out in 2001 on 31 springs of the provinces of Piacenza and Parma, distributed in seven areas defined on hydrological and geological considerations. Physical and chemical variables and parameters of waters were measured and ostracod samples were collected. Most of the springs showed high nitrate concentration, due to a diffuse pollution of agricultural origin. Twelve ostracod species in four families were identified. Ostracod valves were analysed by scanning electron microscopy. Cypria ophtalmica was found in all the springs; other relatively common species were Cyclocypris laevis,Notodromas persica, and Prionocypris zenkeri.The maximum number of species per site was four. Cypridopsis vidua,P. zenkeri, and N. persicashowed a very localized distribution in the study area. The ostracod fauna of the 'fontanili' was compared to other species assemblages found in spring habitats and to the available information on recent freshwater ostracods reported for Italy.
机译:“ fontanili”是人造水生生态系统,典型的是意大利北部低地平原,利用深层地下水的自然回潮来开发。这些生境的特点是全年的水文,水化学和热条件变化很小。需要采取适当的管理措施,以防止因生物质积累而堵塞弹簧。尽管它们作为濒危物种避难所的重要性,但在最近几年中,许多泉水已被完全抛弃,其中一些会消失。我们报告了2001年对皮亚琴察和帕尔马省31个泉水进行的研究结果,研究结果分布在根据水文和地质因素确定的七个地区。测量了水的理化变量和参数,并收集了兽类样本。由于农业污染的广泛扩散,大多数泉水硝酸盐浓度较高。确定了四个科中的十二种兽足类物种。通过扫描电子显微镜分析了ostracod阀。在所有的温泉中都发现了塞浦路斯pri。其他相对较常见的物种是Cyclocypris laevis,Nonodromas persica和Prionocypris zenkeri。每个站点的物种总数最多为四个。拟南芥zenkeri和N. persica在研究区域显示出非常局部的分布。将“ fontanili”的兽脚类动物区系与在春季栖息地中发现的其他物种组合进行了比较,并与意大利报道的最近的淡水兽脚类动物的可用信息进行了比较。



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