首页> 外文期刊>Hydrobiologia >Phosphate in the sediments of the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean Sea), relationship with input by the river Rhone

Phosphate in the sediments of the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean Sea), relationship with input by the river Rhone


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We investigated P-input by the Rhone river into the Mediterranean Sea taking into account P trapped in the surface sediment of the Gulf of Lions. Total phosphate concentration was determined every cm in the upper 10 cm-layer of sediments sampled at 11 stations in the Gulf of Lions during two cruises (March 1998 and January 1999). Two low downward gradients, one East-West and another North-South, with distance t the Rhone river mouth were found. Except at one station, total phosphate concentration in surface sediments was found to be constant with depth down to 10 cm. Values for individual stations ranged between 400 and 700 mug g~(-1) with an average value of 547 mug g~(-1) (st. dev. 63 mug g~(-1)) for the whole gulf. The low variability in total-P concentration in sedments is in contrast to the large variability in suspended matter load of the river Rhone and suggests the dominance of authigenic P removal mechanisms in P burial. The total P-pool in the upper 10 cm-layer of the sediments in the gulf was estimated at 562 kt, with about 80% trapped into the shelf and 20% into the slope. Annual P-deposition was estimated as 7.2-12.4 kt y~(-1), from the P-pool in the sediment and the sedimentation rates. This is equivaelnt to a previous estimation of the river Rhone input, estimated to be bout 6.5-12.2 kt y~(-1). As the Rhone is the major river flowing into the Mediterranean Sea, total P in surface sediments of the Gulf of Lions should be taken into account in P-budgets at the scale of the Mediterranean Sea.
机译:考虑到困在狮子湾表层沉积物中的磷,我们研究了罗纳河对地中海的磷输入。在两次航行中(1998年3月和1999年1月),在狮子湾的11个站点采样的上10厘米沉积层的每厘米上,确定了总磷酸盐浓度。在罗纳河口的距离t处发现了两个较低的向下坡度,一个东西向,另一个南北向。除了在一个站外,发现表面沉积物中的总磷酸盐浓度在深度低至10 cm时是恒定的。各个站点的值在400至700马克g〜(-1)之间,整个海湾的平均值为547马克g〜(-1)(标准设备63马克g〜(-1))。沉积物中总磷浓度的低变异性与罗纳河悬浮物负荷的大变异性相反,表明自生磷去除机制在磷埋藏中占主导地位。海湾沉积物中上部10 cm层的总P池估计为562 kt,其中约80%被困在架子上,而20%被困在斜坡上。从沉积物中的P-池和沉积速率估计年P沉积量为7.2-12.4 kt y〜(-1)。这相当于先前对罗纳河输入的估计,估计为6.5-12.2 kt y〜(-1)。由于罗纳河是流入地中海的主要河流,因此在地中海范围内的P预算中应考虑狮子湾表层沉积物中的总P。



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