首页> 外文期刊>Hydrobiologia >Dynamics of a Kalahari long-lived mega-lake system: hydromorphological and limnological changes in the Makgadikgadi Basin (Botswana) during the terminal 50 ka

Dynamics of a Kalahari long-lived mega-lake system: hydromorphological and limnological changes in the Makgadikgadi Basin (Botswana) during the terminal 50 ka

机译:卡拉哈里长寿大湖系统的动力学:麦加迪卡迪盆地(博茨瓦纳)在50 ka末期的水文形态和湖泊学变化

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The Kalahari features a long-lived lacustrine system which may exist since the Early Pleistocene. The emergence of an extant cichlid fish radiation from this (palaeo-) lake during the Middle Pleistocene indicates an ancient lake character. The early history of the system remains speculative, but it is established that lake extensions matching modern Lake Victoria in size have occurred during the Late Pleistocene. It has been assumed that the hydrographical dynamics chiefly depended on the inflow from the Okavango River and thus on ITCZ-controlled precipitation. Our studies, which focused the hydromorphological and palaeolimnological development of the Makgadikgadi Basin during the last 50 ka, suggest that from c. 46-16 ka it did not receive water from the Okavango River but from palaeo-rivers located in the northern and south-western catchment. A northward shift of the winter rainfall zone during the Last Glacial Maximum sustained a high lake level for a period of c. 6 ka. During Heinrich Event 1 (17-16 ka) the lake probably desiccated abruptly and completely. Higher lake levels, controlled by water from the Okavango river system, were reached again during the Holocene before the lake dried up in the middle of the last millennium
机译:卡拉哈里(Kalahari)具有一个长寿命的湖泊系统,该系统自更新世以来就可能存在。在中更新世期间,这个(古)湖中现存的丽鱼科鱼类辐射的出现表明了古老的湖性。该系统的早期历史仍是推测性的,但可以确定的是,在晚更新世期间发生了与现代维多利亚湖相称的湖泊扩展。据推测,水文动力学主要取决于奥卡万戈河的流入量,因此取决于ITCZ控制的降水量。我们的研究集中在最后50 ka期间Makgadikgadi盆地的水文形态和古湖泊学发展,从c。 46-16 ka它不是从Okavango河接收水,而是从位于北部和西南流域的古河接收水。在上一次冰川最大期,冬季降雨区向北移动持续了大约c的高湖水位。 6 ka。在海因里希(Heinrich)事件1(17-16 ka)中,该湖可能突然完全干燥。在全新世时期,由奥卡万戈河水系控制的更高的湖泊水位再次达到,直到上个世纪中叶湖泊干dried



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