首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Evaluating topographic wetness indices across central New York agricultural landscapes

Evaluating topographic wetness indices across central New York agricultural landscapes


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Accurately predicting soil moisture patterns in the landscape is a persistent challenge. In humid regions, topographic wetness indices (TWIs) are widely used to approximate relative soil moisture patterns. However, there are many ways to calculate TWIs and very few field studies have evaluated the different approaches - especially in the US. We calculated TWIs using over 400 unique formulations that considered different digital elevation model (DEM) resolutions (cell size), vertical precision of DEM, flow direction and slope algorithms, smoothing via low-pass filtering, and the inclusion of relevant soil properties. We correlated each TWI with observed patterns of soil moisture at five agricultural fields in central NY, USA, with each field visited five to eight times between August and November 2012. Using a mixed effects modeling approach, we were able to identify optimal TWI formulations applicable to moderate relief agricultural settings that may provide guidance for practitioners and future studies. Overall, TWIs were moderately well correlated with observed soil moisture patterns; in the best case the relationship between TWI and soil moisture had an average R~2 and Spearman correlation value of 0.61 and 0.78, respectively. In all cases, fine-scale (3 m) lidar-derived DEMs worked better than USGS 10m DEMs and, in general, including soil properties improved correlations.
机译:准确预测景观中的土壤水分模式是一项持续的挑战。在潮湿地区,地形湿度指数(TWI)被广泛用于近似土壤相对湿度模式。但是,计算TWI的方法有很多,而且很少有现场研究评估不同的方法-特别是在美国。我们使用400多种独特的公式计算了TWI,这些公式考虑了不同的数字高程模型(DEM)分辨率(像元大小),DEM的垂直精度,流向和斜率算法,通过低通滤波进行平滑处理以及包含相关的土壤特性。我们将每个TWI与观察到的美国纽约中部五个农田的土壤水分模式相关联,在2012年8月至2012年11月之间,每个田间进行了5至8次造访。使用混合效应建模方法,我们能够确定适用的最佳TWI配方减轻农业环境,为从业人员和未来的研究提供指导。总体而言,TWI与观测到的土壤湿度模式具有良好的相关性。在最佳情况下,TWI与土壤水分之间的关​​系的平均R〜2和Spearman相关值分别为0.61和0.78。在所有情况下,源自激光雷达的小规模(3 m)DEM都比USGS 1000万DEM更好,并且总体而言,包括土壤特性,其相关性得到了改善。



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