首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Hydropedological model of vertisol formation along the Gulf Coast Prairie land resource area of Texas

Hydropedological model of vertisol formation along the Gulf Coast Prairie land resource area of Texas


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Vertisols are clayey soils containing slickensides and wedge-shaped aggregates formed by shrink-swell pro-cesses in seasonally wet climates. The dynamic distribution of macro- and microvoids as a by-product of this unique pe-doturbation process, accompanied by microtopographic lows and highs (gilgai), mitigate our ability to make accurate and precise interpretations of aquic and hydric conditions in these problem soils. We studied Vertisols across a subhumid to hu-mid climosequence to assess the formation of redoximorphic features on shallow, linear (nondepressional) landscape posi-tions in response to varying levels of rainfall. Approximately 1000 mm of mean annual precipitation (MAP) is required to form soft iron masses that then increase in abundance, and to shallower depths, with increasing rainfall. Soft iron masses with diffuse boundaries become more abundant with higher rainfall in microlows, whereas masses with nondif-fuse boundaries become more common in microhighs. Most soft iron masses form in oxygenated ped interiors as water first saturates and then reduces void walls where iron deple-tions form. In contrast, at least 1276 mm of MAP is needed to form iron pore linings in both microlow and microhigh topographic positions. Iron depletions do not correlate with rainfall in terms of abundance or depth of occurrence. The quantity of crayfish burrows co-varies with rainfall and first appears coincidentally with soft iron masses in microlows near 1000 mm of MAP; they do not appear until nearly 1400 mm of MAP in microhighs. Dithionite-citrate extractable and ammonium-oxalate extractable iron oxides increase sys-tematically with rainfall indicating more frequent episodes of iron reduction and precipitation into pedogenic segrega-tions. The sum of our data suggests that Vertisols form-ing in the Coast Prairie of Texas with MAP greater than 1276 mm should be classified as aquerts because of the pres-ence of aquic conditions. These same soils may also meet the definition of hydric as one criterion for the identification of Federally-protected wetlands. However, there is a con-siderable disjunct between protracted periods of saturation and limited periods of reduction in these soils. Based on the distribution of redoximorphic features in the study area, re-gional water fable data, and recent electrical resistivity data from a nearby upland Vertisol, non-Darcian bypass flow is the principle mechanism governing the flux of water through deep cracks where water first accumulates and then persists in microlow bowls atidepths of 1 to 2 m.
机译:Vertisols是一种粘土质土壤,在季节性湿润的气候中,它含有由收缩过程形成的滑润剂和楔形聚集体。作为这种独特的扰动过程的副产品,大孔和微孔的动态分布以及微观地形的高低变化(吉尔盖),降低了我们对这些有问题的土壤中的含水和含水条件进行准确而精确的解释的能力。我们研究了从半湿润到中湿气候序列的Vertisols,以评估在浅水平,线性(非凹陷)景观位置响应降雨水平变化时氧化还原形态特征的形成。形成软铁团块需要大约1000毫米的年平均降水量(MAP),然后随着降雨的增加,铁团块的数量增加,到较浅的深度。在微低处,随着降雨增加,具有弥散边界的软铁块变得更加丰富,而在微高处,具有非熔丝边界的软铁块变得更加普遍。随着水首先饱和,然后减少铁耗尽形成的空隙壁,大多数软铁团块会在含氧的踏板内部形成。相反,至少需要1276 mm的MAP才能在微低和微高地形位置上形成铁孔衬里。铁的含量与降雨的丰度或深度无关。小龙虾洞穴的数量随降雨而变化,并且首先在MAP的1000 mm附近的微低处与软铁团同时出现;直到微高的MAP接近1400 mm时,它们才会出现。连二亚硫酸盐可萃取的亚铁酸盐和草酸铵可萃取的铁氧化物随着降雨而系统增加,这表明铁的还原和析出成岩性沉淀的频率更高。我们的数据总和表明,由于存在水质条件,在德克萨斯州大草原地区MAP大于1276 mm的Vertisols形成应归类为含水层。这些相同的土壤也可能符合水合物的定义,这是鉴定受联邦保护的湿地的标准之一。但是,在这些土壤中,延长的饱和期和有限的还原期之间存在相当大的脱节。根据研究区域氧化还原形态特征的分布,区域寓言数据以及附近高地Vertisol的最新电阻率数据,非达西支流是控制水通过深裂缝(首先是水)的流量的主要机理。积累,然后在1至2 m的微低碗中持续存在。



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