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Soil moisture-precipitation coupling: observations from the Oklahoma Mesonet and underlying physical mechanisms


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Interactions between soil moisture and the atmosphere are driven by the partitioning of sensible and latent heating, through which soil moisture has been connected to atmospheric modifications that could potentially lead to the initiation of convective precipitation. The majority of previous studies linking the land surface to subsequent precipitation have used atmospheric reanalysis or model data sets. In this study, we link in situ observations of soil moisture from more than 100 stations in Oklahoma to subsequent unorganized afternoon convective precipitation. We use hourly next generation (NEXRAD) radar-derived precipitation to identify convective events, and then compare the location of precipitation initiation to underlying soil moisture anomalies in the morning. Overall we find a statistically significant preference for convective precipitation initiation over drier than normal soils, with over 70% of events initiating over soil moisture below the long-term median. The significant preference for precipitation initiation over drier than normal soils is in contrast with previous studies using satellite-based precipitation to identify the region of maximum precipitation accumulation. We evaluated 19 convective events occurring near Lamont, Oklahoma, where soundings of the atmospheric profile at 06: 00 and 12: 00 LST are also available. For these events, soil moisture has strong negative correlations with the level of free convection (LFC), planetary boundary layer (PBL) height, and surface temperature changes between 06: 00 and 12: 00 LST. We also find strong positive correlations between morning soil moisture and morning-to-afternoon changes in convective available potential energy and convective inhibition. In general, the results of this study demonstrate that both positive and negative soil moisture feedbacks are important in this region of the USA.
机译:土壤水分与大气之间的相互作用是由显热和潜热的分配驱动的,通过这种方式,土壤水分已与大气变化联系在一起,这有可能导致对流降水的产生。将土地表面与随后的降水联系起来的大多数先前研究都使用了大气再分析或模型数据集。在这项研究中,我们将俄克拉荷马州100多个站点的土壤水分的原位观测与随后的无组织的对流降水联系起来。我们使用每小时生成的下一代(NEXRAD)雷达得出的降水来确定对流事件,然后在早上将降水开始的位置与潜在的土壤湿度异常进行比较。总的来说,我们发现对流降水开始比干燥土壤要好于正常土壤,这在统计学上具有显着优势,其中超过70%的事件是通过长期中值以下的土壤湿度开始的。与之前的研究相比,与基于干旱的干旱相比,相比于干旱的干旱,降水起因于干旱的偏好更大,这与以前使用卫星降水确定最大降水积聚区域的研究形成了鲜明的对比。我们评估了俄克拉荷马州拉蒙特附近发生的19次对流事件,那里也提供了LST 06:00和12:00的大气廓线的测深。对于这些事件,土壤水分与自由对流(LFC)的水平,行星边界层(PBL)的高度以及LST在06:00和12:00之间的表面温度具有强烈的负相关性。我们还发现早晨土壤水分与对流可用势能和对流抑制的早晨到下午变化之间有很强的正相关。总的来说,这项研究的结果表明,在美国这一地区,土壤水分的正反馈和负反馈都很重要。



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