首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Comparison of rainfall estimations by TRMM 3B42, MPEG and CFSR with ground-observed data for the Lake Tana basin in Ethiopia

Comparison of rainfall estimations by TRMM 3B42, MPEG and CFSR with ground-observed data for the Lake Tana basin in Ethiopia

机译:用TRMM 3B42,MPEG和CFSR估算的埃塞俄比亚塔纳湖流域的降雨与地面观测数据的比较

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Planning for drought relief and floods in developing countries is greatly hampered by the lack of a sufficiently dense network of weather stations measuring precipitation. In this paper, we test the utility of three satellite products to augment the ground-based precipitation measurement to provide improved spatial estimates of rainfall. The three products are the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) product (3B42), Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimate-Geostationary (MPEG) and the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR). The accuracy of the three products is tested in the Lake Tana basin in Ethiopia, where 38 weather stations were available in 2010 with a full record of daily precipitation amounts. Daily gridded satellite-based rainfall estimates were compared to (1) point-observed ground rainfall and (2) areal rainfall in the major river sub-basins of Lake Tana. The result shows that the MPEG and CFSR satellites provided the most accurate rainfall estimates. On average, for 38 stations, 78 and 86% of the observed rainfall variation is explained by MPEG and CFSR data, respectively, while TRMM explained only 17% of the variation. Similarly, the areal comparison indicated a better performance for both MPEG and CFSR data in capturing the pattern and amount of rainfall. MPEG and CFSR also have a lower root mean square error (RMSE) compared to the TRMM 3B42 satellite rainfall. The bias indicated that TRMM 3B42 was, on average, unbiased, whereas MPEG consistently underestimated the observed rainfall. CFSR often produced large overestimates.
机译:缺乏足够密集的气象站网络来测量降水,大大限制了发展中国家的抗旱和洪水计划。在本文中,我们测试了三种卫星产品的实用性,以增强基于地面的降水测量,以提供改进的降雨空间估计。这三种产品分别是热带雨量测量任务(TRMM)产品(3B42),多传感器地球静止平稳估计(MPEG)和气候预测系统再分析(CFSR)。三种产品的准确性均在埃塞俄比亚的塔纳湖盆地进行了测试,2010年该地区有38个气象站,记录了每日的降水量。将每日基于网格的卫星降雨量估计值与(1)塔纳湖主要河流流域的点观测地面降雨量和(2)面降水量进行了比较。结果表明,MPEG和CFSR卫星提供了最准确的降雨估计。平均而言,对于38个站,MPEG和CFSR数据分别解释了观测到的降雨变化的78%和86%,而TRMM仅解释了17%。同样,面积比较表明MPEG和CFSR数据在捕获降雨的模式和降雨量方面都有较好的性能。与TRMM 3B42卫星降雨相比,MPEG和CFSR的均方根误差(RMSE)也较低。偏倚表明TRMM 3B42平均而言没有偏见,而MPEG始终低估了观测到的降雨。 CFSR通常会产生高估。



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