首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Origin and assessment of deep groundwater inflow in the Ca' Lita landslide using hydrochemistry and in situ monitoring

Origin and assessment of deep groundwater inflow in the Ca' Lita landslide using hydrochemistry and in situ monitoring


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Changes in soil water content, groundwater flow and a rise in pore water pressure are well-known causal or triggering factors for hillslope instability. Rainfall and snowmelt are generally assumed as the main sources of groundwater recharge. This assumption neglects the role of deep water inflow in highly tectonized areas, a factor that can influence long-term pore-pressure regimes and play a role on local slope instability. This paper aims to assess the origin of groundwater in the Ca Lita landslide (northern Italian Apennines) and to qualify and quantify the aliquot attributable to deep water inflow. The research is essentially based on in situ monitoring and hydrochemical analyses. It involved 5 yr of continuous monitoring of groundwater levels, electrical conductivity and temperature and with groundwater sampling followed by determination of major ions (Na~+, K~+, Mg~(2+), Ca~(2+), Cl?, HCO?~3, SO~24), tracers (such as Btot and Sr~(2+)), and isotopes (δ~18O, δ~2H and 3H). Leaching experiments on soil samples, hydrochemical modelling and water recharge estimation were also carried out. Results show that the groundwater balance in the Ca Lita landslide must take into account an inflow of deep and highly mineralised Na-SO~4 water (more than 9500 μS cm?1) with non-negligible amounts of Cl? (up to 800 mg l?1). The chemical and isotopic fingerprint of this water points to oilfield water hosted at large depths in the Apennine chain and that uprises through a regional fault line crossing the landslide area. It recharges the aquifer hosted in the bedrock underlying the sliding surface (at a rate of about 49 000-85 700m3 yr?1) and it also partly recharges the landslide body. In both the aquifers, the hydrochemical imprint of deep water mixed with rainfall and snowmelt water was observed. This indicates a probable influence of deep water inflow on the mobility of the Ca Lita landslide, a finding that could be applicable to other large landslides occurring in highly tectonized areas in the northern Apennines or in other mountain chains. The paper demonstrates that hydrochemistry should, therefore, be considered as a valuable investigation method to define hydrogeological limits and the groundwater sources in hillslope and to assess groundwater flow patterns in deepseated landslides.
机译:土壤含水量的变化,地下水流量和孔隙水压力的升高是众所周知的导致山坡失稳的原因或触发因素。一般认为降雨和融雪是地下水补给的主要来源。这个假设忽略了深部水在高构造区域的流入,这是一个可能影响长期孔隙压力状态并在局部边坡失稳中起作用的因素。本文旨在评估Ca Lita滑坡(意大利亚平宁山脉北部)的地下水来源,并对深水流入的等分试样进行定性和量化。该研究基本上基于原位监测和水化学分析。它需要连续5年连续监测地下水位,电导率和温度,并进行地下水采样,然后测定主要离子(Na〜+,K〜+,Mg〜(2 +),Ca〜(2 +),Cl? ,HCO3〜3,SO〜24),示踪剂(例如Btot和Sr〜(2+))和同位素(δ〜18O,δ〜2H和3H)。还进行了土壤样品的浸出实验,水化学模型和补给水估算。结果表明,Ca Lita滑坡中的地下水平衡必须考虑到深部和高度矿化的Na-SO〜4水(超过9500μScm?1)以及不可忽略的Cl? (最多800 mg l?1)。该水的化学和同位素指纹指向在亚平宁链中深度较大的油田水,并通过穿越滑坡区的区域断层线上升。它为位于滑动面下面的基岩中的含水层补给水(速率约为49 000-85 700m3 yr?1),还为滑坡体提供了部分补给。在这两个含水层中,都观察到了深水与降雨和融雪水混合的水化学痕迹。这表明深水流入可能对Ca Lita滑坡的流动性产生影响,这一发现可能适用于在亚平宁山脉北部或其他山脉中高度构造化地区发生的其他大型滑坡。因此,本文表明,水化学应被视为确定山坡的水文地质极限和地下水源以及评估深层滑坡的地下水流型的有价值的研究方法。



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