首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Partitioning of evaporation into transpiration, soil evaporation and interception: A comparison between isotope measurements and a HYDRUS-1D model

Partitioning of evaporation into transpiration, soil evaporation and interception: A comparison between isotope measurements and a HYDRUS-1D model


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Knowledge of the water fluxes within the soil-vegetation-atmosphere system is crucial to improve water use efficiency in irrigated land. Many studies have tried to quantify these fluxes, but they encountered difficulties in quantifying the relative contribution of evaporation and transpiration. In this study, we compared three different methods to estimate evaporation fluxes during simulated summer conditions in a grass-covered lysimeter in the laboratory. Only two of these methods can be used to partition total evaporation into transpiration, soil evaporation and interception. A water balance calculation (whereby rainfall, soil moisture and percolation were measured) was used for comparison as a benchmark. A HYDRUS-1D model and isotope measurements were used for the partitioning of total evaporation. The isotope mass balance method partitions total evaporation of 3.4 mm d??'1 into 0.4 mm d??'1 for soil evaporation, 0.3 mm d??'1 for interception and 2.6 mm d??'1 for transpiration, while the HYDRUS-1D partitions total evaporation of 3.7 mm d??'1 into 1 mm d??'1 for soil evaporation, 0.3 mm d??'1 for interception and 2.3 mm d??'1 for transpiration. From the comparison, we concluded that the isotope mass balance is better for low temporal resolution analysis than the HYDRUS-1D. On the other hand, HYDRUS-1D is better for high temporal resolution analysis than the isotope mass balance.
机译:了解土壤-植被-大气系统中的水通量对于提高灌溉土地的水分利用效率至关重要。许多研究试图量化这些通量,但是在量化蒸发和蒸腾作用的相对贡献时遇到了困难。在这项研究中,我们比较了三种不同的方法来估算实验室模拟草地条件下夏季模拟条件下的蒸发通量。这些方法中只有两种可用于将总蒸发分为蒸腾作用,土壤蒸发和截留。使用水平衡计算(从而测量降雨,土壤湿度和渗滤)作为基准进行比较。 HYDRUS-1D模型和同位素测量用于总蒸发的分配。同位素质量平衡法将土壤蒸发量的总蒸发量3.4 mm d ??'1划分为0.4 mm d ??'1,截留量为0.3 mm d ??'1,蒸腾量为2.6 mm d ??'1。 HYDRUS-1D将总蒸发量3.7 mm d -1分配为1 mm d -1分配用于土壤蒸发,0.3 mm d -1的分配用于截留和2.3 mm d -1的分配用于蒸腾。通过比较,我们得出结论,对于低时间分辨率分析,同位素质量平衡比HYDRUS-1D更好。另一方面,HYDRUS-1D比同位素质量平衡更适合于高时间分辨率分析。



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