首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Improving runoff estimates from regional climate models: A performance analysis in Spain

Improving runoff estimates from regional climate models: A performance analysis in Spain


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An important step to assess water availability is to have monthly time series representative of the current situation. In this context, a simple methodology is presented for application in large-scale studies in regions where a properly calibrated hydrologic model is not available, using the output variables simulated by regional climate models (RCMs) of the European project PRUDENCE under current climate conditions (period 1961-1990). The methodology compares different interpolation methods and alternatives to generate annual times series that minimise the bias with respect to observed values. The objective is to identify the best alternative to obtain bias-corrected, monthly runoff time series from the output of RCM simulations. This study uses information from 338 basins in Spain that cover the entire mainland territory and whose observed values of natural runoff have been estimated by the distributed hydrological model SIMPA. Four interpolation methods for downscaling runoff to the basin scale from 10 RCMs are compared with emphasis on the ability of each method to reproduce the observed behaviour of this variable. The alternatives consider the use of the direct runoff of the RCMs and the mean annual runoff calculated using five functional forms of the aridity index, defined as the ratio between potential evapotranspiration and precipitation. In addition, the comparison with respect to the global runoff reference of the UNH/GRDC dataset is evaluated, as a contrast of the "best estimator" of current runoff on a large scale. Results show that the bias is minimised using the direct original interpolation method and the best alternative for bias correction of the monthly direct runoff time series of RCMs is the UNH/GRDC dataset, although the formula proposed by Schreiber (1904) also gives good results.
机译:评估可用水量的重要步骤是使每月的时间序列代表当前情况。在此背景下,使用欧洲项目PRUDENCE在当前气候条件下通过区域气候模型(RCM)模拟的输出变量,提出了一种简单的方法学,该方法可用于无法正确校准水文模型的地区的大规模研究中( 1961-1990年)。该方法比较了不同的插值方法和替代方法以生成年度时间序列,从而最大程度地减少了对观测值的偏差。目的是确定最佳选择,以从RCM模拟的输出中获得经过偏差校正的每月径流时间序列。这项研究使用了来自西班牙338个盆地的信息,这些盆地覆盖了整个大陆领土,其自然径流的观测值已通过分布式水文模型SIMPA进行了估算。比较了四种用于将径流从10个RCM缩减到流域尺度的插值方法,并着重强调了每种方法再现此变量观察到的行为的能力。备选方案考虑使用RCM的直接径流和使用干旱指数的五种功能形式(定义为潜在蒸散量与降水量之比)计算的年均径流量。此外,还评估了相对于UNH / GRDC数据集的全球径流参考的比较,作为大规模当前径流“最佳估算器”的对比。结果表明,使用直接原始内插法可以使偏差最小化,RCH每月直接径流时间序列偏差校正的最佳选择是UNH / GRDC数据集,尽管Schreiber(1904)提出的公式也给出了很好的结果。



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