首页> 外文期刊>Hyperfine Interactions: Journal Devoted to Research in the Border Regions of Solid State, Atomic and Nuclear Physics >Frequency spectra of quantum beats in nuclear forward scattering of Fe-57: The Mossbauer spectroscopy with superior energy resolution

Frequency spectra of quantum beats in nuclear forward scattering of Fe-57: The Mossbauer spectroscopy with superior energy resolution


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Frequency spectra of quantum beats (QB) in nuclear forward scattering (NFS) are analysed and compared to Mossbauer spectra. Lineshape, number of lines, sensitivity to minor sites, and other specific properties of the frequency spectra are discussed. The most characteristic case of combined magnetic and quadrupole interactions is considered in detail for Fe-57. Pure magnetic Zeeman splitting corresponds to a eight-line spectrum of QB, six of which show the same energy separation as the six lines in Mossbauer spectra. Two other lines (called 2 ' and 3 ') are the lower-energy satellites of the lines 2 and 3. As the quadrupole interaction E (Q) appears, the satellites remain unsplit in the quantum beat frequency spectra, as well as the first (zero-frequency) and the 6th (largest frequency) lines. Each of the lines 3 and 5 generates a doublet split by 2E (Q), and the lines 2 and 4 generate triplets. In QB frequency spectra (QBFS) of thin absorbers of GdFeO3 we demonstrate the enhanced spectral resolution compared to Mossbauer spectra. Small particle size in an antiferromagnet (Fe2O3) was found to affect the QBFS via enhancement of the intensity around zero-frequencies. An asymmetric hyperfine field distribution mixes up into the hybridization with dynamical beats, which enlarges the frequencies of the low-lying QBFS lines and makes their shifts relatively large compared to the shift of the highest-frequency line.
机译:分析了核前向散射(NFS)中的量子拍(QB)频谱,并将其与Mossbauer频谱进行了比较。讨论了线形,线数,对次要位置的灵敏度以及频谱的其他特定属性。 Fe-57详细考虑了结合的磁和四极相互作用的最典型情况。纯磁性塞曼分裂对应于QB的八线谱,其中六个与Mossbauer谱线中的六谱线显示相同的能量分离。另外两条线(称为2'和3')是线2和3的低能卫星。随着四极相互作用E(Q)的出现,这些卫星在量子拍频频谱中仍然保持未分裂状态。 (零频率)和第6(最大频率)行。第3行和第5行分别生成被2E(Q)分割的双峰,第2行和第4行生成三元组。在GdFeO3薄吸收剂的QB频谱(QBFS)中,我们证明了与Mossbauer光谱相比,光谱分辨率有所提高。发现反铁磁体(Fe2O3)中的小颗粒会通过增强零频率附近的强度来影响QBFS。不对称的超精细场分布混入了动态节拍的杂交中,这使低洼QBFS谱线的频率增大,并且与最高频率谱线的位移相比,其位移相对较大。



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