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Malaria vaccine: a bright prospect for elimination of malaria.


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Malaria remains one of the few diseases those continue to scourge human civilization despite the significant advances in disease control strategies over the last century. Malaria is responsible for more than 500 million cases and 1-3 million deaths annually. Approximately 85% of these deaths are among children, mostly in Africa, primarily due to P. falciparum. Whole cell vaccines, irradiated sporozoites and genetically attenuated sporozoites have demonstrated long lasting, sterile protection against plasmodium infection in animal and experimental clinical studies. Atypical membrane protein 1 and merozoite surface protein 1 are the two most extensively studied asexual blood stage vaccine candidates. The most promising candidate vaccine under development is RTS, S combined with AS01 adjuvant. Initial results from phase III trials of this candidate vaccine show 50% reduction of malaria in 5-17 mo aged children during the 12 mo after vaccination. WHO anticipates that the RTS,S/AS01 vaccine will be recommended for the 6-14 week age group for co-administration together with other vaccines as part of routine immunization programs in malaria endemic countries. Malaria vaccine could play an important role in elimination and eventual eradication of malaria.
机译:尽管上个世纪疾病控制策略取得了重大进展,但疟疾仍是继续困扰人类文明的少数疾病之一。每年,疟疾导致5亿多例病例和1-3百万例死亡。这些死亡中约有85%是儿童,主要在非洲,主要是由于恶性疟原虫。在动物和实验临床研究中,全细胞疫苗,辐照的子孢子和遗传减毒的子孢子已证明对疟原虫感染具有持久的无菌保护作用。非典型膜蛋白1和裂殖子表面蛋白1是研究最广泛的两种无性血液阶段疫苗候选物。正在开发的最有前途的候选疫苗是RTS,S和AS01佐剂。该候选疫苗的III期试验的初步结果显示,在接种疫苗后的12个月内,5-17岁年龄段儿童的疟疾减少了50%。世卫组织预计,在疟疾流行国家,建议将RTS,S / AS01疫苗与其他疫苗一起推荐用于6-14周龄的人群,作为常规免疫计划的一部分。疟疾疫苗可以在消除和最终消除疟疾中发挥重要作用。



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