首页> 外文期刊>Chemical geology >Age and origin of the Neoproterozoic Brauna kimberlites: Melt generation within the metasomatized base of the S?o Francisco craton, Brazil

Age and origin of the Neoproterozoic Brauna kimberlites: Melt generation within the metasomatized base of the S?o Francisco craton, Brazil


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The diamondiferous Brauna kimberlite field is situated in the northeast part of the S?o Francisco craton, Bahia State, Brazil, and ongoing exploration revealed three complex pipe-like bodies and nineteen dykes oriented along a N30W trend. Uranium-Pb perovskite age determinations of hypabyssal kimberlite material yielded a high-precision emplacement age of 642. ±. 6. Ma (2-sigma uncertainty). This age provides the first evidence for Neoproterozoic kimberlite magmatism in Brazil, and the Brauna kimberlites thus represent the oldest known primary source of diamonds in the S?o Francisco craton.Primary kimberlite mineralogy at Brauna comprises olivine, spinel, ilmenite, phlogopite, perovskite, apatite, as well as late-stage serpentine and carbonate. Furthermore, abundant olivine, Cr-diopside, and pyrope garnet xenocrysts are present. The most common xenoliths are wall-rock granodiorites, mantle eclogites and peridotites. The Brauna kimberlites do not fit into the classic subdivision of kimberlites and orangeites (formerly Group-II kimberlites) based on South African type occurrences. Their geochemical and isotopic signatures, with negative initial ε_(Nd) values of -5.8 to -8.1 and variably enriched ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios (0.7045-0.7063), suggest that Brauna kimberlite magmas were derived from a mantle source region that was strongly metasomatized prior to kimberlite magmatism at ~642Ma. In particular, the incompatible element distribution suggests that Brauna kimberlite magmas originate from the metasomatized base of the S?o Francisco craton, with only minor input from the convecting upper mantle. The Brauna kimberlites mineralogically and geochemically resemble the slightly older "anomalous" mica kimberlites from Guaniamo in Venezuela (712±6Ma). This may suggest that both mica-rich kimberlite occurrences formed from similarly enriched subcratonic mantle lithosphere during Late Neoproterozoic extensional tectonics related to the breakup of the supercontinent Rodinia.
机译:钻石状的布劳纳金伯利岩田位于巴西巴伊亚州圣弗朗西斯科克拉通的东北部,正在进行的勘探工作揭示了沿着N30W趋势定向的三个复杂的管状物体和十九个堤坝。斜交金伯利岩材料的铀-铅钙钛矿年龄确定可得出642的高精度镶嵌年龄。±。 6. Ma(2-sigma不确定性)。这个年龄提供了巴西新元古代金伯利岩岩浆作用的第一个证据,因此,布劳纳金伯利岩是S?o弗朗西斯科克拉通最古老的已知钻石主要来源。布劳纳的主要金伯利岩矿物学包括橄榄石,尖晶石,钛铁矿,金云母,钙钛矿,磷灰石,以及晚期蛇纹石和碳酸盐。此外,存在丰富的橄榄石,Cr-透辉石和焦石榴石异种晶。最常见的异岩是围岩花岗闪长岩,地幔榴辉岩和橄榄岩。根据南非类型的发生情况,布劳纳金伯利岩不适合金伯利岩和橘子岩(以前称为II类金伯利岩)的经典细分。它们的地球化学特征和同位素特征,其初始ε_(Nd)负值为-5.8至-8.1,并且〜(87)Sr /〜(86)Sr比(0.7045-0.7063)可变地富集,表明Bruna金伯利岩岩浆来自于地幔源区在金伯利岩岩浆作用前约642Ma发生了强烈交代作用。特别是,不相容元素的分布表明,布鲁纳金伯利岩岩浆起源于圣弗朗西斯科克拉通交化后的基底,只有极少的输入来自对流的上地幔。 Brauna金伯利岩的矿物学和地球化学特征类似于委内瑞拉瓜尼亚莫州稍老的“异常”云母金伯利岩(712±6Ma)。这可能表明这两个云母富集的金伯利岩矿床是在新元古代晚期伸展构造与超大陆罗迪尼亚解体有关的时候,由同样富集的克拉通下地幔岩石圈形成的。



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