首页> 外文期刊>Human brain mapping >Hippocampal, amygdala, and neocortical synchronization of theta rhythms is related to an immediate recall during rey auditory verbal learning test.

Hippocampal, amygdala, and neocortical synchronization of theta rhythms is related to an immediate recall during rey auditory verbal learning test.


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It is well known that theta rhythms (3-8 Hz) are the fingerprint of hippocampus, and that neural activity accompanying encoding of words differs according to whether the items are later remembered or forgotten ["subsequent memory effect" (SME)]. Here, we tested the hypothesis that temporal synchronization of theta rhythms among hippocampus, amygdala, and neocortex is related to immediate memorization of repeated words. To address this issue, intracerebral electroencephalographic (EEG) activity was recorded in five subjects with drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), under presurgical monitoring routine. During the recording of the intracerebral EEG activity, the subjects performed a computerized version of Rey auditory verbal learning test (RAVLT), a popular test for the clinical evaluation of the immediate and delayed memory. They heard the same list of 15 common words for five times. Each time, immediately after listening the list, the subjects were required to repeat as many words as they could recall. Spectral coherence of the intracerebral EEG activity was computed in order to assess the temporal synchronization of the theta (about 3-8 Hz) rhythms among hippocampus, amygdala, and temporal-occipital neocortex. We found that theta coherence values between amygdala and hippocampus, and between hippocampus and occipital-temporal cortex, were higher in amplitude during successful than unsuccessful immediate recall. A control analysis showed that this was true also for a gamma band (40-45 Hz). Furthermore, these theta and gamma effects were not observed in an additional (control) subject with drug-resistant TLE and a wide lesion to hippocampus. In conclusion, a successful immediate recall to the RAVLT was associated to the enhancement of temporal synchronization of the theta (gamma) rhythms within a cerebral network including hippocampus, amygdala, and temporal-occipital neocortex.
机译:众所周知,θ节奏(3-8 Hz)是海马的指纹,并且伴随单词编码的神经活动根据后来记忆或忘记的项目而有所不同[“后续记忆效应”(SME)。在这里,我们测试了这样的假设:海马,杏仁核和新皮层之间theta节奏的时间同步与重复单词的立即记忆有关。为了解决此问题,在术前监测常规下,对5名患有耐药性颞叶癫痫(TLE)的受试者记录了脑电图(EEG)的活动。在记录脑内脑电活动期间,受试者进行了计算机化的Rey听觉语言学习测验(RAVLT),这是一种用于立即和延迟记忆临床评估的流行测验。他们五次听到相同的15个常用词清单。每次,在听完列表之后,都要求受试者重复尽可能多的单词。计算脑内脑电活动的频谱相干性,以评估海马,杏仁核和颞枕新皮层中θ(约3-8 Hz)节律的时间同步性。我们发现杏仁核和海马之间以及海马和枕颞皮层之间的θ相干性值在成功期间比未立即召回的幅度更高。对照分析表明,对于γ波段(40-45 Hz)也是如此。此外,在具有耐药性TLE和海马广泛病变的其他(对照)受试者中未观察到这些theta和γ效应。总之,成功召回RAVLT与增强包括海马,杏仁核和颞枕新皮层在内的大脑网络中theta(γ)节律的时间同步性有关。



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