首页> 外文期刊>HortTechnology >Cauliflower Yield and Susceptibility to Alternaria Leaf Spot under New York Field Conditions

Cauliflower Yield and Susceptibility to Alternaria Leaf Spot under New York Field Conditions


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Twelve commercial cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) varieties were evaluated for horticultural traits and susceptibility to alternaria leaf spot (Alternaria brassicicola) at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, NY, in 2014 and 2015. Data including total yield, curd weight, curd width, plant height, days to maturity, and length of harvest were collected for each variety. Aduplicate trial was planted in each year and inoculated with A. brassicicola, the causal agent of alternaria leaf spot, and the percentage of disease was assessed for each commercial cauliflower variety. Most of the commercial varieties were similar in susceptibility to disease and yield. 'Artica' and 'Apex' were ranked among the highest yielding varieties each year of the trial. The varieties 'Graffiti' and 'Violet Queen', both of which produce purple curds, had significantly less alternaria leaf spot compared with other varieties. Differences were seen between the 2 years of the trial in performance of individual varieties as influenced by temperatures during the growing season. This study demonstrates that some cauliflower varieties perform better than others under New York State growing conditions.
机译:在2014年和2015年,在纽约州日内瓦的纽约州农业实验站对十二种商业花椰菜(芸苔属变种botrytis)的园艺特性和对交链孢菌叶斑病(Alternaria Brasicicola)的敏感性进行了评估。数据包括总产量,凝乳收集每个品种的重量,凝乳宽度,植物高度,成熟天数和收获时间。每年进行一式两份的试验,并接种交链孢霉叶斑病的致病菌-芸苔假单胞菌,并针对每种商业花椰菜品种评估疾病百分率。大多数商品品种对疾病和产量的敏感性相似。在每年的试验中,“ Artica”和“ Apex”被评为产量最高的品种。与其他品种相比,均产生紫色凝乳的品种“涂鸦”和“紫罗兰皇后”。在试验的2年之间,受生长季节温度的影响,各个品种的性能存在差异。这项研究表明,在纽约州的种植条件下,某些花椰菜品种的表现要好于其他品种。



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