首页> 外文期刊>HortTechnology >Foliar Applied Abscisic Acid Increases 'Chardonnay' Grapevine Bud Freezing Tolerance during Autumn Cold Acclimation

Foliar Applied Abscisic Acid Increases 'Chardonnay' Grapevine Bud Freezing Tolerance during Autumn Cold Acclimation


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Economic loss due to cold weather events is a major constraint to winegrape (Vitis yinifera) production and wine-related industries where extreme and/or fluctuating winter temperatures induce injury and require remedial retraining and replanting increases production costs and lowers yield and fruit quality. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a foliar application of abscisic acid (ABA) could increase the freezing tolerance (FT) of field-grown, 'Chardonnay' winegrape and whether its effectiveness can be influenced by the phenological timing of the application. Mature 'Chardonnay' grapevines were treated with a foliar application of ABA at a concentration of 500 at vine phenological stages corresponding to 50% veraison, postveraison, and postharvest. Results from field trial sites located in four distinct winegrape production regions in the United States (Idaho and Ohio) and Canada (British Columbia and Ontario) showed that foliar application of ABA increased bud FT, primarily during autumn cold acclimation. Foliar ABA application had no consistent influence on bud FT in midwinter or during spring deacdimation, or on percent budburst in spring. Vine phenological stage at the time of ABA foliar application influenced ABA effectiveness, although results were inconsistent among locations. At most locations, applications made at veraison or postveraison were more effective than applications made postharvest. No phytotoxic response or adverse changes in yield or berry composition were detected in response to ABA application. The consistent increase in bud FT during autumn cold acclimation observed at all trial locations in this study indicates that foliar ABA, applied at veraison or postveraison, can reduce the risk of economic loss due to cold injury in production regions with frequent early autumn cold weather events.
机译:寒冷天气事件造成的经济损失是对葡萄(Vitis yinifera)生产和与葡萄酒相关的行业的主要限制,在这些行业中,极端和/或波动的冬季温度会造成伤害,并需要进行补救性培训和重新种植,从而增加了生产成本并降低了产量和水果品质。这项研究的目的是确定叶酸脱落酸(ABA)是否可以增加田间种植的“霞多丽”葡萄的耐冻性(FT),以及其有效性是否会受到应用物候时间的影响。成熟的“霞多丽”葡萄在葡萄物候期,以浓度为500%的veraison,veraison和收获后,以500的浓度叶面施用ABA处理。来自位于美国(爱达荷州和俄亥俄州)和加拿大(不列颠哥伦比亚省和安大略省)四个不同的葡萄种植区的田间试验地点的结果表明,叶面施用ABA可以增加芽的FT,主要是在秋季冷适应期间。叶面ABA施用对冬冬或春季去甲过程中的芽FT或春季春季出芽率没有持续的影响。 ABA叶面施用时的藤本物候期影响ABA的有效性,尽管不同地点的结果不一致。在大多数位置,在检验或检验后进行的申请要比在收获后进行的申请更为有效。没有发现对ABA的施用有植物毒性反应或产量或浆果组成的不利变化。在这项研究的所有试验地点均观察到的秋季寒冷适应期间,芽FT的持续增加表明,叶绿素ABA施用在veraison或veraison期间,可以减少因频繁发生早期秋季寒冷天气事件而在生产区遭受冷害而造成的经济损失风险。 。



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