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Evaluating Landscape Performance of Six Native Shrubs as Alternatives to Invasive Exotics


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There is increased interest in using native plant alternatives to invasive species for landscaping. Several invasive shrubs are used extensively in landscaping since they perform well in challenging landscapes, such as parking lot island plantings, which are dry, nutrient-poor, and sun and heat exposed. This study evaluated the landscape suitability of six underused Connecticut native shrubs [american filbert (Corylus americana), buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalism northern bush honeysuckle (Diervilla lonicera), steeplebush (Spiraea tomentosa), sweet fern (Comptoniaperejjrina), and sweet gale (Myricagale) by planting them in a large commuter parking lot on the University of Connecticut (UConn) campus in Storrs. Two nonnative invasive species, 'Crimson Pygmy' Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii) and 'Compactus' winged euonymus (Euonymus alatus), were also planted as controls. Buttonbush, sweet fern, and sweet gale performed as well as controls and had aesthetic quality index (AQI) ratings similar to controls throughout the study, which spanned three growing seasons. These findings were surprising for buttonbush and sweet gale, which are found in the wild occupying predominantiy wet areas. Buttonbush plants readily established at the site asindicated by a 930% increase in plant size over the first growing season. Sweet fern arid sweet gale produced attractive, dense, and uniform mounds consistendy throughout the study. Northern bush honeysuckle and american filbert were slower to establish,but by the second and third year, respectively, plants were highly attractive and had AQI ratings similar to controls. Despite its attractive floral display, steeplebush performed poorly and developed powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca) symptoms in the firstand second years, which contributed to a lower AQI compared with controls. Aesthetic quality for american filbert, buttonbush, and steeplebush was reduced because of variation resulting from seed propagation. For certain native species, plants received from the nursery were not robust, which may have had a greater influence on establishment and early performance than their inherent landscape adaptability. This study identified five underused native shrubs that are adaptable and able to replace invasiveplants in landscapes.
机译:使用外来植物替代入侵物种进行美化的兴趣日益增加。几种侵入性灌木广泛用于美化环境,因为它们在具有挑战性的景观中表现出色,例如停车场岛上种植的树木,这些树木干燥,营养不良,暴露于阳光和高温下。这项研究评估了六种未充分利用的康涅狄格州本地灌木的景观适宜性[美洲榛子(Corylus americana),纽扣灌木(Cephalanthus occidentalism)北部灌木金银花(Diervilla lonicera),尖顶灌木(Spiraea tomentosa),甜蕨(Comptoniaperejjrina)和甜大风(Myricagaaga通过将它们种植在位于斯托斯的康涅狄格大学(UConn)校区的大型通勤停车场中,还引入了两种外来入侵物种,“深红色矮小”日本伏牛花(Berberis thunbergii)和“紧凑”有翅大叶胡杨(Euonymus alatus)在整个研究期(横跨三个生长季节)中,Buttonbush,甜蕨和甜菜的表现均好于对照,并且美学质量指数(AQI)等级与对照相似,这些发现对于Buttonbush和Sweet gale令人惊讶。在野外占主导地位的潮湿地区被发现,按该地区种植面积增加930%的指示,该地区容易建立的Buttonbush植物在第一个生长期播种。在整个研究过程中,甜蕨和甜大风产生了引人注目的,致密且均匀的土堆。北部灌木金银花和美国榛树的建立较慢,但分别到第二年和第三年,植物具有很高的吸引力,其AQI等级与对照相似。尽管其花香吸引人,但尖顶灌木在第一和第二年的表现仍然很差,并出现了白粉病(Sphaerotheca)症状,与对照组相比,AQI较低。由于种子繁殖导致变异,美国榛子,钮扣灌木和尖顶灌木的美学品质降低。对于某些本地物种,从苗圃收到的植物并不健壮,这可能比其固有的景观适应性对建树和早期性能产生更大的影响。这项研究确定了五种未充分利用的天然灌木,它们能够适应景观并能替代景观中的入侵植物。



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