首页> 外文期刊>HortScience >In Vitro Propagation of Viburnum treleasei Gand., an Azorean Endemic with High Ornamental Interest

In Vitro Propagation of Viburnum treleasei Gand., an Azorean Endemic with High Ornamental Interest


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The purpose of our research was to establish a protocol for the in vitro culture of Viburnum treleasei, a rare and endangered taxon with high ornamental potential endemic to the Azores islands. The surface sterilization of the explants was better achieved with a pretreatment of 0.1% (w/v) Benomyl for 2 h followed by 0.2% (w/v) HgCl2 for 10 min with agitation. Shoot tips were the most efficient explants for shoot development and single-node segments for proliferation. Woody plant medium (WPM) was adequate for all micropropagation stages. For culture establishment and shoot development, a hormone-free medium was adequate, whereas a 1.1 mu M N6-benzyl adenine medium supplement was more efficient for shoot multiplication. Elongation and rooting could be carried out on a 1.3 mu M 1-naphthaleneacetic acid-supplemented medium. Acclimatization of in vitro-produced plantlets was achieved after 1 month with a success rate of 50%. This in vitro propagation procedure will be useful for the conservation of Viburnum treleasei through production of morphologically true-to-type plants, allowing the recovery of depleted natural populations. Chemical names used: N6-benzyl adenine (BA); 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA); HgCl2 (mercury bichloride).
机译:我们研究的目的是建立一种针对荚release荚burn的体外培养的协议,荚Vi是一种稀有且濒临灭绝的类群,具有亚速尔群岛特有的观赏潜力。用0.1%(w / v)苯菌灵预处理2 h,然后在搅拌下用0.2%(w / v)HgCl2预处理10分钟,可以更好地实现外植体的表面灭菌。芽尖是芽发育和单节段增殖最有效的外植体。木本植物培养基(WPM)适用于所有微繁殖阶段。对于培养物的建立和芽的发育,无激素的培养基就足够了,而1.1μMN6-苄基腺嘌呤培养基补充剂对于芽的繁殖更为有效。伸长和生根可以在1.3μM的1-萘乙酸补充的培养基上进行。 1个月后实现了体外产生的小植株的驯化,成功率为50%。这种体外繁殖程序对于通过形态学上符合实际的植物的生产来保护荚t荚莲是有用的,从而可以恢复枯竭的自然种群。使用的化学名称:N6-苄基腺嘌呤(BA); 1-萘乙酸(NAA); HgCl2(二氯化汞)。



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