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Comparative performance of air-induction and conventional nozzles on an axial fan sprayer in medium density apple orchards


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A series of experiments was undertaken to compare the performance of an axial fan air blast sprayer equipped with air induction (AI) or conventional (C) nozzles in medium density apple (Malus xdomestica) orchards. Performance was compared by assessing 1) spray coverage within the canopy at four levels of across-row wind speeds, 2) ground deposits from airborne drift under still conditions, and 3) biological efficacy of a postbloom thinning spray and a seasonal "high-risk" fungicide program where thiophanate methyl was not included. Spray coverage was reduced by up to 50% with increasing across-row wind speeds, the most dramatic reductions occurring between 0 and 4 mph and at heights greater than 8 ft in the canopy. AI nozzles resulted in a 2-fold increase in spray coverage in the canopy of trees in the row immediately adjacent to the sprayer compared with C nozzles regardless of across-row wind speed. AI nozzles resulted in significantly less airborne drift compared with C nozzles under still conditions in an open field and within a mature 'Cripps Pink'/'M.7' orchard planted in rows 20 ft apart. Sprayer efficiency, measured as the proportion of total spray volume that was intercepted by the tree canopy, was higher for an airblast sprayer fitted with AI nozzles (38%) than for C nozzles (26%). The efficacy of a postbloom thinning spray (100 ppm benzyladenine plus carbaryl at 1 lb/100 gal) applied to 'Morgan Spur Red Delicious'/'M. 111' trees planted at a between-row spacing of 15 ft was slightly greater when applied with AI nozzles compared with C nozzles. However, application of a "high-risk" fungicide program with All nozzles resulted in a higher incidence of fruit with flyspeck (Zygophiala jamaicensis) at harvest compared with C nozzles. These inconsistencies were related to the combined effects of nozzle type, orchard row spacing, and canopy density on spray deposition on trees in the second row from the sprayer or to possible effects of nozzle type on droplet density on the target. AI nozzles should provide equivalent or possibly improved coverage and biological efficacy compared with C nozzles in well-managed orchards planted at distances of 18 ft or less between rows. However, when orchard rows are spaced greater than 18 ft apart, AI nozzles will result in reduced spray coverage and chemical efficacy compared with C nozzles because of a reduction in spray carry-over to adjacent rows as a result of reduced airborne drift.
机译:进行了一系列实验,以比较中密度苹果园(Malus xdomestica)果园中配备有空气感应(AI)或常规(C)喷嘴的轴流风机鼓风喷雾器的性能。通过评估以下各项来比较性能:1)在四个水平行风速下的冠层内的喷雾覆盖率; 2)在静止条件下来自机载漂移的地面沉积物;以及3)稀释后喷洒的生物功效和季节性的“高风险” ”杀菌剂计划,其中不包括甲基托布津。随着行间风速的增加,喷雾覆盖率最多降低了50%,最大的降低发生在0到4 mph之间,并且在顶篷中高度大于8 ft时。与C喷嘴相比,AI喷嘴导致紧邻喷雾器的行树冠的喷雾覆盖范围增加了2倍,而不管行风速度如何。与C型喷嘴相比,在开阔的田地和成熟的“ Cripps Pink” /“ M.7”果园中,在间隔20英尺的行中种植时,与C型喷嘴相比,AI喷嘴导致的空气飘移明显减少。配备有AI喷嘴的喷枪型喷雾器(38%)比C喷嘴(26%)的喷雾器效率更高(以树冠截获的总喷雾量的比例衡量)。花后稀释喷雾剂(100 ppm苄基腺嘌呤加西维因于1磅/ 100加仑)的功效应用于“摩根马刺红美味” /“ M”。行距为15英尺的111'树木在使用AI喷嘴时比C喷嘴时稍大。但是,与C型喷嘴相比,在所有喷嘴下应用“高风险”杀菌剂程序会导致果蝇(Zygophiala jamaicensis)收获时果实的发生率更高。这些不一致之处与喷嘴类型,果园行距和树冠密度对从喷雾器喷洒到第二行树木上的喷雾沉积的综合影响有关,或者与喷嘴类型对目标上的液滴密度的可能影响有关。与C喷嘴相比,AI喷嘴在行距不超过18 ft或以下的种植良好的果园中应提供与C喷嘴相同或可能更高的覆盖率。但是,当果园行的间距大于18英尺时,AI喷嘴与C喷嘴相比将导致喷雾覆盖率和化学功效降低,这是由于减少的空气飘移导致了喷雾带入相邻行的减少。



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