首页> 外文期刊>HortScience >The effects of umbel order, soaking, and scarification on germination inhibiting substances in Petroselinum crispum L. and other Apiaceae seeds.

The effects of umbel order, soaking, and scarification on germination inhibiting substances in Petroselinum crispum L. and other Apiaceae seeds.

机译:伞形序,浸泡和划痕对Petroselinum crispum L.和其他other科的种子中抑制发芽的物质的影响。

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Seed of parsley cv. Moss Curled, carrot cv. Scarlet Nantes, celery cv. Florida 683, celeriac cv. Gains Prague, root parsley [Petroselinum crispum subsp. tuberosum] cv. Hamburg Rooted and parsnip cv. Harris Model and of 6 parsley (Petroselinum crispum) cultivars, (3 seed lots each) were tested for the presence of germination inhibiting substances. Aqueous leachate from seed of all 6 species inhibited germination of lettuces and radishes. Leachate from root parsley seeds were least inhibitory, whileleachate from celery and celeriac seeds were most inhibitory. Inhibitory concentrations in leachate varied between seed lots within a cultivar. Aqueous leachate of seeds from the primary umbels caused less inhibition of germination than leachate from tertiary umbels. Washing parsley seeds in aerated water for 3 hours or more removed some of the inhibitory substances. An aqueous extract prepared from seedcoat tissue, removed during mechanical scarification, inhibited radish seed germination. Inhibition was proportional to the duration of scarification and the amount of seedcoat tissue extracted. Parsley seeds scarified for <=60 minutes germinated at rates comparable with washed seeds, but longer scarification time reduced germination. It is suggested that washing seeds of Apiaceae prior to commercial drying and cleaning may be a practical solution for removal of inhibitors.
机译:欧芹的种子。苔藓卷曲,胡萝卜简历。猩红色的南特,芹菜简历。佛罗里达683,Celeriac简历。获得布拉格,香菜根[Petroselinum crispum subsp。马铃薯汉堡根和欧洲防风草简历。测试了Harris模型和6个欧芹(Petroselinum crispum)品种(每个3个种子批次)中是否存在发芽抑制物质。来自所有6种种子的浸出液均抑制生菜和萝卜的发芽。根香菜种子的浸出液抑制作用最小,而芹菜和芹菜种子的浸出液抑制作用最大。渗滤液中的抑制浓度在一个品种的种子批次之间变化。来自初级伞形的种子的含水浸出液对发芽的抑制作用比来自第三级伞形的浸出液的抑制作用要小。将香菜种子在加气水中洗涤3小时或更长时间,以去除一些抑制性物质。从种皮组织制备的水提取物在机械划痕过程中被去除,抑制了萝卜种子的萌发。抑制作用与清除时间长短和提取的种皮组织量成正比。香芹籽种子在小于等于60分钟的时间内发芽的速度与洗过的种子相当,但是更长的划痕时间可以减少发芽。建议在商业干燥和清洁之前洗涤菊科种子可能是去除抑制剂的实用方法。



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