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'CaroTex-312', a High-yielding, Orange-fruited, Habanero-type, F-1 Hybrid Pepper


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The Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences of Texas A&M University announce the release of the high-yielding, orange-fruited, Habanerotype, F1 hybrid pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) cultivar CaroTex-312. Open-pollinated cultivars of Habanero peppers are used extensively by U.S. growers and these cultivars have historically suffered from several de- ?ciencies, including low yields, late maturity, disease and pest susceptibility, and lack of uniformity. Transition to F1 hybrid cultivars for C. annuum pepper types such as jalapen?o, bell, and ancho has led to greatly increased yields, earlier maturity, and superior fruit quality. Heterosis has been exploited in these C. annuum types and should also be a bene?- cial trait in C. chinense cultivars to maximize performance and quality (Butcher et al., 2012). The release of ‘CaroTex-312’ will provide pepper growers currently growing openpollinated Habanero-type cultivars access to a high-yielding, F1 hybrid cultivar.
机译:美国农业部农业研究局和德克萨斯农工大学农业与生命科学学院宣布,发布高产,橙色水果,Habanerotype F1杂交辣椒(Capsicum chinense Jacq。)品种CaroTex-312 。美国种植者广泛使用哈瓦那辣椒的开放授粉栽培品种,这些栽培品种历来遭受若干缺陷的困扰,包括产量低,成熟期晚,对病虫害的敏感性以及缺乏均匀性。向C. Annuum辣椒类型(如墨西哥胡椒,甜椒和an鱼)过渡到F1杂交品种已导致产量大大提高,更早的成熟和优异的果实品质。杂种优势已在这些C.annuum类型中得到利用,并且也应是C.chinense品种的一项良性特征,以最大限度地提高性能和品质(Butcher等人,2012)。 “ CaroTex-312”的发布将使目前正在种植异花授粉哈瓦那人(Habanero)型品种的胡椒种植者获得高产的F1杂交品种。



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