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Palliative care hits a triple win: access, quality, and cost.


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Like the generation before them, an ever-increasing proportion of baby boomers in the United States have a chronic illness and often multiple chronic illnesses, using ever-increasing national healthcare resources. With the Triple Aim, Don Berwick's overarching goals to help guide positive transformation to the healthcare system, palliative care can be seen as a valuable ally in the growing arsenal of models of care aimed at addressing the nation's needs. The SPARK Program, the palliative care management program of a large home care agency in a metropolitan area, was created to address the needs of patients with chronic serious illness and palliative care needs.
机译:像他们之前的一代一样,在美国,婴儿潮一代中,越​​来越多的人患有慢性病,并且经常使用越来越多的国家医疗保健资源来治疗多种慢性病。通过唐·贝里克(Don Berwick)制定的三重目标,即帮助指导医疗系统实现积极转型,姑息治疗可以被视为在满足国家需求的日益增长的医疗模式中的宝贵盟友。 SPARK计划是都市圈内一家大型家庭护理机构的姑息治疗管理计划,旨在满足慢性病患者的需求和姑息治疗需求。



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