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Productivity and economics of on-farm rainfed rabi crops in rice base cropping system under different moisture conservation practices


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On-farm Held experiments were carried out in midland rainfed rice based cropping system during rabi seasons of 1999-00 and 2000-01 at village Khatti, district Mahasamund (C.G.) under National Agricultural Technology Project, RRPS-3 to explore the possibility of rabi crops (Safflower, Gram, Lentil, Lathyrus and Greengram) using moisture conservation practices (no mulch, soil and stubble mulch and rice straw mulch) in rainfed rice area. Among the crops, safflower produced significantly higher gram equivalent yield (13.50 q ha~(-1)) and net profit (Rs. 10142 ha~(-1)) than that of gram during 1999-00, while it was at par during 2000-01. Among the mulches, application of rice straw mulch recorded significantly higher grain yield (6.49 q ha~(-1)) and netreturn (Rs. 10142 ha~(-1)) and it was on par with that of soil and stubble mulch. Regarding interaction effect safflower with rice straw mulch gave significantly higher grain yield (12.29 q ha~(-1)), which was at par with that of soil stubble mulch.
机译:在国家农业技术项目RRPS-3下,在Mahasamund(CG)地区Khatti村1999-00和2000-01的狂犬病季节,在中部雨养水稻种植系统上进行了农场保持试验,以探索狂犬病的可能性在雨育稻田中采用水分保持措施(无覆盖物,土壤,茬茬覆盖物和稻草覆盖物)来种植农作物(红花,革兰,扁豆,山thy豆和格林格拉姆)。在所有农作物中,红花的克当量产量(13.50 q ha〜(-1))和净利润(Rs。10142 ha〜(-1))比1999-00年的克产量高得多,而在1999-00年处于同等水平。 2000-01。在所有覆盖物中,施用稻草覆盖物的谷物单产显着较高(6.49 q ha〜(-1))和净回报(Rs。10142 ha〜(-1)),与土壤和留茬覆盖物相当。关于红花与稻草覆盖物的相互作用效应,谷物产量显着提高(12.29 q ha〜(-1)),与土壤秸秆覆盖物相当。



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