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The classification concept of the ESC Working Group on myocardial and pericardial diseases for dilated cardiomyopathy.


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In the WHO/ISFC classification of 1996, cardiomyopathies were defined as primary myocardial disorders of unknown cause. Heart muscle disorders of known etiology or associated with systemic disorders were classified as secondary or specific heart muscle diseases. An expert panel of the American Heart Association has recently suggested a new scheme that combines genetic and clinical criteria. In this system, the term primary is used to describe cardiac diseases in which the heart is the sole or predominantly involved organ and secondary to describe diseases in which myocardial dysfunction is part of a systemic disorder. In a radical departure from convention, they also suggested that ion channelopathies and disorders of conduction should be considered cardiomyopathies as well. The ESC Working Group on Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases has taken a different approach based on the belief that a clinically oriented classification system in which heart muscle disorders are grouped according to ventricular morphology and function remains the clinically most useful method for diagnosing and managing patients and families with heart muscle disease. In the ESC position statement, cardiomyopathies are defined as myocardial disorders in which the heart muscle is structurally and functionally abnormal, in the absence of coronary artery disease, hypertension, valvular disease and congenital heart disease sufficient to cause the observed myocardial abnormality. In this article, this is illustrated by examples of dilated cardiomyopathy as familial/genetic forms and nonfamilialongenetic forms.
机译:在1996年的WHO / ISFC分类中,心肌病定义为原因不明的原发性心肌病。病因已知或与系统性疾病有关的心肌疾病被分类为继发性或特定性心肌疾病。美国心脏协会的一个专家小组最近提出了一种结合遗传和临床标准的新方案。在该系统中,术语“原发性”用于描述心脏是唯一或主要受累器官的心脏病,而“继发性”则描述心脏功能障碍是系统性疾病的一部分的疾病。与惯例大相径庭的是,他们还建议将离子通道病和传导障碍也视为心肌病。 ESC心肌和心包疾病工作组采取了一种不同的方法,因为该信念是一种临床导向的分类系统,其中根据心室形态和功能对心肌疾病进行分组,这仍然是诊断和管理患者及其家庭的临床上最有用的方法患有心肌病。在ESC位置声明中,心肌病定义为心肌疾病,其中心肌结构和功能异常,而没有足以引起所观察到的心肌异常的冠状动脉疾病,高血压,瓣膜疾病和先天性心脏病。在本文中,通过扩张型心肌病的家族/遗传形式和非家族/非遗传形式的例子对此进行了说明。



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