首页> 外文期刊>Historical Biology: an international journal of paleobiology >Myrtaceae fossil leaves from the Rio Turbio Formation (Middle Eocene), Santa Cruz Province, Argentina

Myrtaceae fossil leaves from the Rio Turbio Formation (Middle Eocene), Santa Cruz Province, Argentina


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Myrtaceae, the gum tree family, is a large angiosperm clade of 5671 species mostly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. In the southernmost tip of South America (Santa Cruz province) where the fossils analysed in this study come from (Rio Turbio Formation), this family is virtually absent and the extant vegetation is largely dominated by deciduous Nothofagus pumilio and Nothofagus antarctica. During the early Paleogene, however, the Myrtaceae were an important element in southern Patagonian floras. Here, we report and describe ten taxa related to the extant genera Eugenia, Myrcia, Psidium, Myrcianthes and possible Eucalyptus and Campomanesia. The presence of a high diversity of Myrtaceae during the Eocene in one of the southernmost regions of the world could be thought as unusual. However, during this period of time (45Ma), a number of other tropical lineages also reached these high latitudes probably as a consequence a warming climatic trend. In fact, through the Paleocene-Early Eocene interval, climatic conditions were the warmest of the Cenozoic. After this period of time, a progressive decline in temperature forced the migration of megathermal elements towards lower latitudes and, at the same time, led to the expansion of forest dominated by Nothofagus which predominate the region today.
机译:香脂树科的桃金娘科是一个巨大的被子植物进化枝,有5671种,主要分布在世界的热带和亚热带地区。在南美洲最南端(圣克鲁斯省),本研究中分析的化石来自(里约·比尔比奥组),该科目实际上不存在,现存的植被主要由落叶的Nothofagus pumilio和南极的Nothofagus主导。然而,在古近纪早期,桃金娘科是巴塔哥尼亚南部植物区系的重要元素。在这里,我们报告并描述了与现存的欧亚菊属,Myrcia,剑兰,Myrcianthes以及可能的Eucalyptus和Campomanesia属有关的十类分类。在始新世期间,在世界最南端的地区之一,桃金娘科的高度多样性被认为是不寻常的。但是,在这段时间(45Ma)中,许多其他热带世系也达到了这些高纬度,这可能是气候变暖的结果。实际上,在古新世-早始新世时期,气候条件是新生代最温暖的时期。在这段时间之后,温度的逐渐下降迫使超热元素向低纬度地区迁移,与此同时,导致以诺霍法格斯(Nothofagus)为主的森林扩张,如今该地区占主导地位。



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