首页> 外文期刊>Herpetological review >Terrestrial Movements of the Red-bellied Mudsnake (Farancia abacura) and Rainbow Snake(F.erytrogramma)

Terrestrial Movements of the Red-bellied Mudsnake (Farancia abacura) and Rainbow Snake(F.erytrogramma)

机译:红腹泥ds(Farancia abacura)和彩虹蛇(F.erytrogramma)的陆地运动

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Red-bellied Mudsnakes (Farancia abacura; Fig. 1A) and Rainbow Snakes (Farancia erytrogramma; Fig. 1B) are relatively large species with geographic distributions restricted to the southeastern United States. Both species are highly associated with aquatic habitats, to the extent that at least one, the Red-bellied Mudsnake, has been described as "fully aquatic" (Lutterschmidt et al. 2006). Adults of both species have highly specialized diets: Red-bellied Mudsnakes feed primarily on aquatic, elongate, eellike salamanders (Sirens [Siren spp., Pseudobranchus spp.] and Amphiumas [Amphiuma spp.]), while adult Rainbow Snakes feed almost exclusively on a stream-dwelling, catadromous fish, the American Eel (Anguilla rostrata; Neill 1964).
机译:红腹Mudsnakes(法拉奇亚abacura;图1A)和彩虹蛇(Farancia erytrogramma;图1B)是相对较大的物种,地理分布仅限于美国东南部。两种物种都与水生生境高度相关,以至于至少有一种红腹泥b被描述为“完全水生”(Lutterschmidt等人,2006)。两种物种的成虫都有高度专门的饮食:红腹-蛇主要以水生,细长的鳗鱼el(Sirens [Siren spp。,Pseudobranchus spp。]和Amphiumas [Amphiuma spp。])为食,而成年的Rainbow Snakes几乎仅以其为食。一种居住在河流中的,有毒的鱼类,美国鳗鱼(Anguilla rostrata; Neill 1964)。


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