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Shifted Baselines, Forensic Taxonomy, and Rabbs' Fringe-limbed Treefrog: The Changing Role of Biologists in an Era of Amphibian Declines and Extinctions


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My initial foray in tropical herpetology yielded less than spectacular results. In 1989, I was a new graduate student at the University of Texas at Arlington, where my mentors, J. A. Campbell and E. D. Brodie Jr., arranged for me to spend a field season in Guatemala. My task was to make collections on the wet northern slope of the Sierra de las Minas, based out of Fin-ca Pueblo Viejo, a coffee/cardamom/rubber plantation at the edge of the Polochic Valley in Alta Verapaz (Mendelson 1990). This region of the sierra had never been surveyed herpetologi-cally, so I was very excited to conduct an expedition.
机译:我最初在热带爬虫学方面的尝试并没有取得令人瞩目的成果。 1989年,我是德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校的一名新研究生,我的导师J. A. Campbell和E. D. Brodie Jr.安排我在危地马拉度过田野。我的任务是在拉米纳斯山脉北部潮湿的山坡上进行采集,该采集源是基于芬塔卡·普韦布洛·维约(Fin-ca Pueblo Viejo)(位于阿尔塔韦拉帕兹(Alta Verapaz)多洛奇山谷的边缘的咖啡/小豆蔻/橡胶种植园(Mendelson 1990)。从未对这片山脉进行过带状疱疹调查,因此我对进行这次探险感到非常兴奋。



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