首页> 外文期刊>Health affairs >Shepherding Major Health System Reforms: A Conversation With German Health Minister Ulla Schmidt-During her tenure with the German health ministry, Ulla Schmidt has overseen major system reforms, balancing social solidarity with fiscal responsibility.

Shepherding Major Health System Reforms: A Conversation With German Health Minister Ulla Schmidt-During her tenure with the German health ministry, Ulla Schmidt has overseen major system reforms, balancing social solidarity with fiscal responsibility.

机译:主持重大卫生系统改革:与德国卫生部长Ulla Schmidt的对话-在任职德国卫生部期间,Ulla Schmidt监督了重大系统改革,在社会团结与财政责任之间取得了平衡。

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Americans looking for role models among foreign health systems may find Germany's, along with the Dutch system, of particular interest. These countries seek to harvest the power of competition among nongovernmental insurers and providers of health care within a unifying regulatory framework aimed at keeping the competition fair and preserving for health care, as much as is possible, Europe's hallowed Principle of Solidarity. In this interview, conducted on behalf of Health Affairs by Tsung-Mei Cheng and Uwe Reinhardt, Germany's long-serving minister of health, Ulla Schmidt, explains what ethical and economic imperatives have shaped Germany's health reforms in recent years.
机译:在外国卫生系统中寻找榜样的美国人可能会对德国以及荷兰的医疗系统特别感兴趣。这些国家寻求在统一的监管框架内收获非政府保险公司和医疗保健提供者之间的竞争能力,该框架旨在使竞争尽可能公平并保持医疗保健,这就是欧洲的神圣团结原则。在本次采访中,由郑崇美和长期担任卫生部长的乌拉·莱因哈特(Uwe Reinhardt)代表卫生事务进行的采访解释了伦理和经济因素如何影响了近年来德国的医疗改革。



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