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Payment reform: parlous, and yet still promising.


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This issue of Health Affairs on payment reform has a hoary pedigree, given the years of thought devoted to economic incentives in health care. The British literary giant George Bernard Shaw long ago grasped the dubious effects of fee-for-service medicine: In the preface to his 1909 play The Doctor's Dilemma, he lamented the payment norm that gave "a surgeon a pecuniary interest in cutting off your leg... and the more appalling the mutilation, the more the mutilator is paid." The Hoover-era Committee on the Costs of Medical Care also partly blamed fee-for-service for that era's health cost spiral. The panel suggested "group payment" of physicians as an alternative, but in a nod to political realities, also contended that "those who prefer the present method" of payment should be able to keep what they had.
机译:鉴于多年以来一直致力于医疗卫生方面的经济激励的思想,有关支付改革的《卫生事务》有一个较纯的谱系。英国文学巨人萧伯纳(George Bernard Shaw)很久以前就掌握了收费医疗的可疑影响:在他1909年的戏剧《医生的困境》的序言中,他感叹了付款规范,该规范使“外科医生在切断腿部时有金钱上的兴趣” ……残害的程度越骇人,残害者的报酬就越多。”胡佛时期的医疗费用委员会还部分归咎于那个时代的医疗费用螺旋上升的按需付费。专家小组建议将医生的“团体付款”作为替代方案,但出于政治现实的考虑,他还争辩说“那些偏爱当前方法的人”应该能够保留他们所拥有的东西。



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