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Low-Income Residents In Three States View Medicaid As Equal To Or Better Than Private Coverage, Support Expansion


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Expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act to millions of low-income adults has been controversial, yet little is known about what these Americans themselves think about Medicaid. We conducted a telephone survey in late 2013 of nearly 3,000 low-income adults in three Southern states-Arkansas, Kentucky, and Texas-that have adopted different approaches to the options for expansion. Nearly 80 percent of our sample in all three states favored Medicaid expansion, and approximately two-thirds of uninsured respondents said that they planned to apply for either Medicaid or subsidized private coverage in 2014. Yet awareness of their state's actual expansion plans was low. Most viewed having Medicaid as better than being uninsured and at least as good as private insurance in overall quality and affordability. While the debate over Medicaid expansion continues, support for expansion is strong among low-income adults, and the perceived quality of Medicaid coverage is high.
机译:根据《负担得起的医疗法案》将医疗补助扩大到数百万低收入成人一直存在争议,但对于这些美国人自己对医疗补助的看法知之甚少。 2013年末,我们对南部三个州(阿肯色州,肯塔基州和德克萨斯州)的近3,000名低收入成年人进行了电话调查,这些州采用了不同的扩展方案。我们在所有三个州中的样本中有近80%赞成医疗补助计划的扩张,大约三分之二的无保险受访者表示,他们计划在2014年申请医疗补助计划或有补贴的私人保险。然而,他们对本州实际扩张计划的了解却很低。大多数人认为拥有医疗补助比没有保险更好,并且在整体质量和负担能力方面至少与私人保险一样好。尽管有关医疗补助扩大的争论仍在继续,但低收入成年人对医疗补助的支持很强,医疗补助的质量也很高。



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