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Reproductive and child health accounts: an application to Rajasthan.


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This paper describes resource flows for reproductive and child health (RCH) in the health care system of Rajasthan, India, using the integrating framework of health accounts. It analyzes sources and uses of RCH funds by provider and expenditure category. The paper provides policy options for redirecting current public and private expenditures to improve RCH indicators. Comparisons of the share of government expenditure in state gross domestic product (31%), of Rajasthan state government spending as a share of total health spending (21%) and of Rajasthan state government spending as a share of reproductive and child health spending (3%) suggest that there are imbalances to correct. Even a very large increase in RCH spending by the Government of Rajasthan, an increase bringing its share of RCH total spending up to the level of its share in health spending, would add only one percentage point to the state budget. The principal result of such an increase in public RCH spending would be a substantial reduction in currently high levels of fertility and of mortality among infants, children and women of reproductive age.
机译:本文使用卫生核算的整合框架描述了印度拉贾斯坦邦卫生保健系统中用于生殖健康和儿童健康(RCH)的资源流。它按提供者和支出类别分析了RCH资金的来源和使用。本文提供了用于重新分配当前公共和私人支出以改善RCH指标的政策选择。比较政府支出在州国内生产总值中的比例(31%),拉贾斯坦州政府支出占卫生总支出的比例(21%)和拉贾斯坦州政府支出占生殖健康和儿童健康支出的比例(3 %)表示存在不平衡的地方可以纠正。拉贾斯坦邦政府对RCH支出的大幅增加,甚至使RCH总支出的份额达到其在卫生支出中所占份额的水平,也只会给国家预算增加一个百分点。此类公共RCH支出增加的主要结果将是大幅降低目前高水平的生育率以及婴儿,儿童和育龄妇女的死亡率。



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