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Ancient Rus' and the Black Sea region in the 13th-15th centuries: Results of new archival studies


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The early 13th century saw a shift in world history. In 1204, Constantinople fell victim to crusaders, and the once great empire of “Romans” temporarily ceased to exist. At this time, the Black Sea ceased to be a closed, internal basin of Byzantium; the vector of the geopolitical orientation of Russian principalities shifted; and already in 1237–1242, they were conquered by Tatars–Mongols and included in the orbit of the new great empire and its western ulus, the Golden Horde. With the destruction of cities and burning down of the wooden buildings, many written records were lost forever. Individual manuscripts survived, while documental complexes, except for those in Northwestern Rus’ with writings on birch bark were gone for good. Surprisingly, however, it is possible to reconstruct to some extent the economic, political, and even religious realities of Southern Rus’ and its relations with the West and the East owing to a special phenomenon—the Italian colonization of the Black Sea Region.
机译:13世纪初,世界历史发生了转变。 1204年,君士坦丁堡沦为十字军的牺牲品,而曾经的“罗马人”帝国暂时不复存在。此时,黑海不再是拜占庭的封闭内部盆地。俄罗斯公国地缘政治取向的载体发生了变化;并且在1237–1242年间,它们被塔塔尔族–蒙古人所征服,并被纳入新的大帝国及其西部的乌鲁斯黄金部落的轨道。随着城市的破坏和木制房屋的烧毁,许多书面记录永远消失了。单独的手稿得以幸存,而文档复合体(除了西北罗斯的白桦树皮著作除外)一去不复返了。但是,令人惊讶的是,由于一种特殊现象-意大利对黑海地区的殖民化,有可能在某种程度上重建罗斯南部的经济,政治甚至宗教现实,以及它与西方和东方的关系。



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