首页> 外文期刊>Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences >Evaluating extremely critical indicators of the state of Russian society and managing socioeconomic development with them

Evaluating extremely critical indicators of the state of Russian society and managing socioeconomic development with them


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Judging by officially published figures, the socioeconomic development of Russia appears relatively successful, especially compared to the 1990s. However, a more detailed analysis of the situation on the basis of indicators that reflect fundamental social and economic processes convinces us that the Russian economy and society are on the brink of collapse. This paper by Academician S. Yu. Glaz'ev and Professor V. Lokosov, delivered at an RAS Presidium meeting, was devoted to this problem. They proposed a new approach to the assessment of the socioeconomic system. We also publish the expanded text of their paper and its discussion. ? 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
机译:从官方公布的数字来看,俄罗斯的社会经济发展似乎相对成功,特别是与1990年代相比。但是,根据反映基本社会和经济进程的指标对情况进行更详细的分析,使我们相信,俄罗斯经济和社会正处于崩溃的边缘。于院士论文。在RAS主席团会议上发表的Glaz'ev和V. Lokosov教授致力于解决这个问题。他们提出了一种评估社会经济系统的新方法。我们还将发布他们论文的扩展文本及其讨论。 ? 2012 Pleiades出版有限公司



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