首页> 外文期刊>Health Physics: Official Journal of the Health Physics Society >UNCERTAINTIES IN DOSE COEFFICIENTS FROM INGESTION OF 131I, 137Cs, AND 90Sr.



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ABSTRACT-: Quantification of uncertainties in doses from intakes of radionuclides is important in risk assessments and epidemiologic studies of individuals exposed to radiation. In this study, the uncertainties in the doses per unit intake (i.e., dose coefficients) for ingestion of I, Cs, and Sr by healthy individuals have been determined. Age-dependent thyroid dose coefficients were derived for I. The analysis for I uses recent measurements of thyroid volume obtained by ultrasonography, which indicate a thyroid mass lower than that previously obtained using autopsy measurements. The coefficients for Cs are determined using the relationship between the biological half-lives and the amount of potassium in the human body. The most recent International Commission on Radiological Protection biokinetic model was employed to determine the uncertainties for Sr. For Cs and Sr, the dose coefficients represent exposure in adulthood and they were determined for all organs of radiological importance. The uncertainty in the estimated dose coefficients represent state of knowledge estimates for a reference individual, and they are described by lognormal distributions with a specified geometric mean (GM) and geometric standard deviation (GSD). The estimated geometric means vary only slightly from the dose coefficients reported by ICRP publications. The largest uncertainty is observed in the dose coefficients for bone surface (GSD = 2.6), and red bone marrow (GSD = 2.4) in the case of ingestion of Sr. For most other organs, the uncertainty in the Sr dose coefficients is characterized by a GSD of 1.8 (or less for some organs). For I, the uncertainty in the thyroid dose coefficients is well represented by a GSD of 1.7 for both sexes and all ages other than infants for whom a GSD of 1.8 is more appropriate. The lowest uncertainties are obtained for the dose coefficients from ingestion of Cs (GSD = 1.24 for males; 1.4 for females). A dominant source of uncertainty in the ingestion dose coefficients is the variation of the biokinetic parameters. For I, the largest contribution to the uncertainty comes from the variation in the thyroid mass, but the contribution of the biokinetic parameters is comparable. The biokinetic parameters with the largest contribution to the uncertainty are (a) the fractional uptake from blood to thyroid in the case of ingestion of I, (b) the absorbed fraction from the gastrointestinal tract (f1) in the case of Sr, and (c) the amount of potassium in the body for Cs. The contribution to the uncertainty of the absorbed fraction (which accounts for the fraction of energy deposited in the target organ) is the smallest contributor to the uncertainty in the dose coefficients for most organs. To reduce the uncertainty in the dose estimated for a real individual, one should determine the above-mentioned parameters for the specified individual rather than to rely on assumptions for a reference individual.
机译:摘要-:放射性核素摄入量剂量不确定性的量化在风险评估和受辐射个体的流行病学研究中很重要。在这项研究中,已经确定了健康个体摄入I,Cs和Sr的每单位摄入剂量的不确定性(即剂量系数)。对于I,得出了年龄相关的甲状腺剂量系数。对I的分析使用了最近通过超声检查获得的甲状腺体积的测量值,这表明甲状腺质量比以前通过尸检测量获得的甲状腺质量低。 Cs的系数是使用生物半衰期与人体中钾含量之间的关系确定的。使用最新的国际放射防护委员会生物动力学模型来确定Sr的不确定性。对于Cs和Sr,剂量系数代表成年期的暴露量,并确定了所有具有放射学重要性的器官。估计剂量系数中的不确定性表示参考个体的知识状态估计,它们由具有指定几何平均值(GM)和几何标准偏差(GSD)的对数正态分布描述。估计的几何平均值与ICRP出版物所报告的剂量系数仅略有不同。摄入Sr时,最大的不确定性出现在骨表面的剂量系数(GSD = 2.6)和红色骨髓(GSD = 2.4)中。对于大多数其他器官,Sr剂量系数的不确定性特征在于GSD为1.8(某些器官甚至更低)。对于我来说,除性别更适合婴儿的GSD以外,性别和所有年龄段的GSD为1.7可以很好地表示甲状腺剂量系数的不确定性。摄入Cs的剂量系数具有最低的不确定性(男性,GSD = 1.24;女性,GSD = 1.24)。摄入剂量系数不确定性的主要来源是生物动力学参数的变化。对我来说,对不确定性的最大贡献来自甲状腺质量的变化,但是生物动力学参数的贡献是可比的。对不确定度影响最大的生物动力学参数是(a)摄入I时从血液中吸收到甲状腺的分数,(b)吸收Sr时从胃肠道吸收的分数(f1),和( c)体内Cs的钾含量。对于大多数器官,吸收分数(占靶器官中沉积的能量分数)不确定度的贡献是对剂量系数不确定度的最小贡献。为了减少为一个真实个体估算的剂量的不确定性,应该为指定个体确定上述参数,而不要依靠参考个体的假设。



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