首页> 外文期刊>Health Physics: Official Journal of the Health Physics Society >Radioresistance in mammals induced by low-level chronic irradiation: modeling and experimental investigations.

Radioresistance in mammals induced by low-level chronic irradiation: modeling and experimental investigations.


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Effects of chronic low-level preirradiation on radiosensitivity of mice is studied experimentally and by making use of the methods of mathematical modeling. The experiments show that a priming exposure to chronic internal irradiation can induce radioresistance in mice. The manifestation of this radioprotection effect is reduced mortality of preexposed specimens after challenge acute irradiation, the reason of the animal death being the hematopoietic syndrome. Therefore, the theoretical investigation of the influence of preirradiation on radiosensitivity of mice is conducted by making use of the mathematical models that describe the dynamics of hematopoietic system in mice exposed to challenge acute irradiation following the chronic one. Modeling results show that the radioprotection effect of chronic low-level long-term (more than 1 mo) preirradiation on mice is caused by decreased radiosensitivity (radioresistance) of the granulocytopoietic system, which appeared at the level of one functional cell pool, blood granulocytes. In turn, the above-indicated state of radioresistance of the granulocytopoietic system is the consequence of hypercompensation of the radiation damage of this system resulting in relaxation to elevated concentrations of blood granulocytes and their nondividing and dividing bone-marrow precursors and in enhanced mitotic activity of the latter. Modeling results also indicate that the radiosensitization effect of chronic low-level short-term (less than 1 mo) preirradiation on mice is due to increased radiosensitivity of lymphopoietic, granulocytopoietic, and erythropoietic systems accompanied by increased or close to the normal level radiosensitivity of thrombocytopoietic system. In turn, increased radiosensitivity of above-noted hematopoietic lines is the consequence of an exhaustion of these cell systems. Modeling estimations of the duration of low-level chronic preexposures, which result in radioprotection and radiosensitization effects on mice, are in agreement with the relevant experimental data.
机译:实验研究了慢性低水平预辐射对小鼠放射敏感性的影响,并利用数学建模方法进行了研究。实验表明,初次暴露于慢性内部辐射下可以诱发小鼠的抗辐射性。这种放射防护作用的表现是在急性照射后,预先暴露的标本的死亡率降低,动物死亡的原因是造血综合症。因此,利用数学模型描述了预辐照对小鼠放射敏感性的影响的理论研究,该数学模型描述了慢性挑战后暴露于挑战性急性辐照的小鼠体内造血系统的动力学。建模结果表明,长期低水平长期(大于1 mo)预辐射对小鼠的辐射防护作用是由于粒细胞生成系统的放射敏感性(放射电阻)降低而引起的,粒细胞生成系统的辐射敏感性(放射电阻)出现在一个功能性细胞池,血粒细胞的水平上。反过来,上述粒细胞生成系统的放射抵抗状态是该系统辐射损伤过度补偿的结果,该辐射补偿导致血液粒细胞及其非分裂和分裂骨髓前体浓度升高的松弛,以及增强的核分裂活性。后者。模拟结果还表明,长期低水平短期(小于1 mo)预辐射对小鼠的放射增敏作用是由于淋巴细胞,粒细胞和红细胞系统的放射敏感性增加,同时血小板生成素的放射敏感性增高或接近正常水平系统。继而,上述造血细胞系放射敏感性的提高是这些细胞系统衰竭的结果。低水平慢性预暴露的持续时间的模型估计与对小鼠的放射防护和放射增敏作用有关,与相关的实验数据相符。



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