首页> 外文期刊>Harvard international law journal >Louis B. Sohn: Architect of the Modern International Legal System

Louis B. Sohn: Architect of the Modern International Legal System

机译:路易斯·B·苏恩(Louis B. Sohn):现代国际法律体系的建筑师

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Professor Louis B. Sohn (1914-2006) was not only present at the creation of the modern international legal system, he was its principal architect. He participated in the 1945 drafting conference in San Francisco that created the United Nations, as well as in events leading up to the conference. He also played a leading role in the creation or development of many other areas of international law, including human rights, international environmental law, law of the sea, international organizations, arms control and disarmament, and international dispute settlement. Each of these areas of international law bears his creative and indelible mindprint.
机译:Louis B. Sohn教授(1914-2006)不仅参加了现代国际法律体系的创立,而且还是其主要设计师。他参加了创建联合国的1945年旧金山起草会议,以及参加会议之前的活动。他还在国际法的许多其他领域的建立或发展中发挥了领导作用,包括人权,国际环境法,海洋法,国际组织,军备控制和裁军以及国际争端解决。国际法的这些领域中的每一个都具有他创造性和不可磨灭的思想印记。



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