首页> 外文期刊>Harvard international law journal >Unpacking Show Trials: Situating the Trial of Saddam Hussein

Unpacking Show Trials: Situating the Trial of Saddam Hussein


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Not since the trials of the Nazi leaders at the first international war crimes court in Nuremberg has such a prominent mass murderer been brought to account. The proceedings will doubtless be televised. With the eyes of the world on it, the [Hussein trial] will be a great show. On November 5, 2006, guards led Saddam Hussein into the defendant's dock of a tense courtroom in Baghdad. Ordered to stand, Mr. Hussein took a seat instead, telling the judge in a mocking voice that he could hear him just as well from his seat. The judge sent two bailiffs to raise the former dictator to his feet. When one touched him, Mr. Hussein cried out, "You stupid man, there's no need to twist my arm!" Then he stood to hear the decision of the Iraqi Special Tribunal ("IST") in the Dujail case.
机译:自从在纽伦堡第一届国际战争罪行法庭对纳粹领导人进行审判以来,没有这样一个著名的大规模杀人犯被绳之以法。诉讼程序无疑将通过电视转播。有了全世界的目光,[侯赛因审判]将是一场精彩的表演。 2006年11月5日,警卫人员带领萨达姆·侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)进入被告位于巴格达紧张法庭的船坞。侯赛因先生下令站起来,改为坐下来,以嘲讽的声音告诉法官,他从座位上也能听到他的声音。法官派了两名法警将前独裁者抬起来。当一个人碰到他时,侯赛因先生喊道:“你这个愚蠢的人,不需要扭我的手臂!”然后,他站着聆听伊拉克特别法庭(Dubaiil)案的裁决。



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